Fibonacci Patterns

“Phi” and the Fibonacci Sequence, which is the seed that creates it, is ubiquitous in Nature. It’s found in modern design and ancient architecture. The Earth and Moon relationship as well as the Great Pyramid of Giza encode Phi. The spiral of the Milky Way down to the very essence of our DNA is a language written in this mathe-magical ratio, an intelligent construct and compass of our holofractographic reality. It was literally called the ‘Divine Proportion’ by Plato and his buddies. Lets just say that the golden mean, ø, the golden ratio, whatever you wanna call it, is the mathematical basis for intelligence, the root of all creation. Hidden in the Fibonacci Sequence, a few patterns emerge. Unbeknownst to most, and most likely canonized as sacred by the select few who were endowed with such esoteric gnosis, the sequence reveals a pattern of…

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