Saturn and Neptune

Saturn and Neptune

The orbits of Saturn and Neptune can be displayed in this simple diagram. Inscribe an equilateral triangle inside the orbit of Neptune. Now fit three equally sized circles within that triangle. Add another one of these circles to the middle of the diagram and you just defined Saturn’s orbit to within 99.9% accuracy. Is this all really just a coincidence? Mainstream cosmology will tell us that it is all chance. Planets are made of matter that eventually, over millions of years, slammed together to form a mindless sphere. Is that all it really is? How did the planets know to organize themselves according to geometric shapes and platonic solids? It seems that the solar system and the whole universe itself is not this dead unconscious matter that we have been led to beLieve. “Geometry existed before the creation. It is co-eternal with the mind…

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Pi in the Solar System

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Pi

There are an awfully lot of ‘coincidences’ in our solar system to say that it is all just a product of time and chance. Materialist and reductionist theories and their slew of primordial soup doesn’t quite suffice when one ponders the magnificence of all life. Pi is the relationship between a circle’s circumference to its diameter.  It comes out to 3.14159..   Why wouldn’t the creator or the architect of the universe make it a little easier on us and just made it 3, or 4?  Why does it have to be a transcendental number that goes on and on?  The fact that π has no pattern and the digits continue to infinity probably drove early philosophers and mathematicians madd.  This irrationality is echoed in the cells of our body and the planets in our solar system.  Concurring with the Hermetic axiom, As above so below. There…

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