Maps of Our World: The Inverted Globe

Over the years our understanding of heaven and earth has devolved.  In recent centuries, we’ve descended into this nihilistic path of Heliocentrism. But maybe it should be called Heliosorcery since distorting one’s worldview can have deleterious psychological effects on the mind. For literally thousands of years mankind has understood that the earth beneath his feet does not move; it was our foundation.  Earth was not some spinning space ball hurling through the universe at a zillion miles an hour.  When we think like this everything goes to sh!t due to the psychological chaos hurled upon us for believing in a Godless fantasy where we have no ontological footing and everything is just a product of time and chance. Look at these maps. What do you see? A Byzantine Greek world map according to Ptolemy’s first (conic) projection. From Codex Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 82, Constantinople…

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