High Altitude Observations of Earth

Before the advent of aviation adventure seekers flew miles high in hot air balloons. These high altitude trips allowed aeronauts to observe the true nature of Earth without peering through the distorted nature of glass, windows, or a fish-eye lens. With the unaided eye they recorded their observations. Here are their testimonies. “The apparent concavity of the earth as seen from a balloon. – A perfectly-formed circle encompassed the visibly; planisphere beneath, or rather the concavo-sphere it might now be called, for I had attained a height from which the earth assumed a regularly hollowed or concave appearance – an optical illusion which increases as you recede from it. At the greatest elevation I attained, which was about a mile-and-a-half, the appearance of the world around me assumed a shape or form like that which is made by placing two watch glasses together by…

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Lift and Sink Forces | Centripetal Convergence and Centrifugal Divergence

Centripetal Convergence (Lift Force) and Centrifugal Divergence (Sink Force) Lift Force: EMR, all light curves up, strongest at the center, weakest at crust Sink Force: Gravity, it’s a push not a pull, weakest at the center, strongest at crust Centripetal Lift Force. Centrifugal Sink Force. LSC Concave Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtCOJ4XhcVE Lift Force – Centripetal Convergence centripetal (moving towards center) convergent (moving closer together) lift Force: electromagnetic radiation (light) curves up – strongest at the center – weakest at crust – 🎵 The electromagnetic flux’s lift and sink forces have an inversely proportional relationship. – 🔵 Blue arrows depict centripetal convergence lift force drawing objects towards the celestial sphere’s center. – 🌍 Planets stay aloft due to stronger lift force towards the center and weaker sink force at the edge. – 🔆 The magnetic sun attracts planets, preventing them from crashing into the celestial sphere. –…

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The End Is Nigh! Total Solar Eclipse April 8th 2024

Here are some fun facts about the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 1. The total solar eclipse occurs on the very last day of the Hebrew calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisan# 2. After a 2 year hiatus CERN will fire up their LHC on April 8th, 2024. https://home.cern/news/news/accelerators/accelerator-report-accelerator-complex-gears-action-after-yearly-winter

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