Vaccination: Old Books of Dissent

Old Books of Dissent vaccine

Here are some old books that provide overwhelming evidence that vaccinations -every single one of them- are not only completely ineffective, but incredibly dangerous to boot! Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s Evils of Vaccination C. Charles Schieferdecker, MD 1856 Testimonies of medical men, on the protection supposed to be afforded by vaccination, from 1805 to 1881 The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 1881 A Catalogue of Anti-Vaccination Literature The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination 114 Victoria Street, Westminster 1882$1i Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils Robert A. Gunn, MD 1882 Vaccination: The Story of a Great Delusion William White 1885 Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous From 45 Years of Registration Statistics Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc. 1889 Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter…

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Revelation of the Method

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic” – Dresden James via: Damian Nix This is an incredible journey that life takes us through. The process of understanding about life begins at birth and throughout to death. We go to our graves still in awe of the profound amount of things we could never explain, or make sense of. However, if one is observant to the world around them, they can tell that something is amiss with the way things have been explained to them. The questions always start small and end up avalanching you over until the fine line between intelligence and madness is reached. And some of us push on into the realm of the impossible and improbable, yet within the bounds of…

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The Community That Dwelt Within The Earth by John Michell

At about the same time as Lady Blount and the Zetetics were proving through experiments at the Bedford Level canal that the earth was flat, another group of experimenters were using similar methods to show that it was in fact a hollow shell, inhabited on its inner surface. The motto of this group was ‘We live inside.’ Their leader and prophet was Dr Cyrus Teed, known to them as Koresh, a Hebrew version of his first name. He was, to say the least, a most unusual person. Born in 1839 in New York State, he became a practitioner of ‘eclectic medicine’, a system combining orthodox science with a religious outlook and the use of herbs and other natural remedies. From there he progressed to alchemy. Energy and matter, he believed, were two different forms of the same thing. It should therefore be possible to…

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The Lost Center

The “lost center” describes the confusion of our time. Symbolically, but also in concrete scientific terms. A look up into the sky would be enough. The following are articles that have been translated from German to English for your reading pleasure. from our friend Philip Mikaswebsite | FB group | profile   via: Auf zur Mitte – by Philip Mikas Reasons Earth Can’t Be Flat – Auf Zur Mitte 1. The Southern Cross and the North Star would have to be visible at the same time on aflat earth, which is not the case. There is a short video about this: Flat Earth refuted in103 seconds . The North Star must be aimed at about 90° above your head at theNorth Pole, while from the equator it is visible at 0° just above the horizon. Thisphenomenon would be completely impossible on a flat earth.…

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Maps of Our World: The Inverted Globe

Over the years our understanding of heaven and earth has devolved.  In recent centuries, we’ve descended into this nihilistic path of Heliocentrism. But maybe it should be called Heliosorcery since distorting one’s worldview can have deleterious psychological effects on the mind. For literally thousands of years mankind has understood that the earth beneath his feet does not move; it was our foundation.  Earth was not some spinning space ball hurling through the universe at a zillion miles an hour.  When we think like this everything goes to sh!t due to the psychological chaos hurled upon us for believing in a Godless fantasy where we have no ontological footing and everything is just a product of time and chance. Look at these maps. What do you see? A Byzantine Greek world map according to Ptolemy’s first (conic) projection. From Codex Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 82, Constantinople…

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The Holy Bible: Where In Earth?

If we lived ‘on’ Earth, you would think scripture would tell us that, but it doesn’t.  The Bible tells us we are “in the Earth”. Scripture tells us it’s the Sun, Moon and heavens that move, not Earth. Below are the incidents of “in Earth” or “in the Earth” in the Holy Bible, along with some other scriptures that support this understanding. I used the King James Version but you can pick and choose any version you’d like as most say the same thing. But first a few related verses: Isaiah 40:12 “Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance” Job 38:8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it…

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Constellations as Seafaring Routes: The Stars are a Map of Earth

via Dr. Kai Helge Wirth Renowned geografer and art historian Dr. Kai Helge Wirth has made a groundbreaking discovery that revolutionises our understanding of ancient Sumerian culture and its astronomical knowledge. Through intensive research and observations of the night sky, Mr Wirth has identified a series of constellations that represent an astonishing correspondence between constellations and major sea routes used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago. This is no wonder, since the Sumerians themselves say the constellations (which they invented) are “ways of the ocean”. The Sumerian civilisation, one of the oldest civilisations in human history, was known for its advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and navigation. The discovery now reveals that the Sumerians created detailed maps of sea routes based on the positions of the stars thousands of years ago. The identified constellations form a precise representation of coastlines, currents and navigation…

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Poetry, Literature, Art: The Nature of Heaven and Earth

Many of the geniuses throughout history understood that earth is hollow and literally contains the entire universe as we know it.  They knew this information would never become overtly available to the public so they encoded it into their poetry and artwork. “Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”  – Albert Camus “The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth.” – Jean de la Bruyère William Blake William Blake (1757-1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker known for his romantic poetry that merged myth, religion and the human condition.  Influenced by spiritual visions and a rejection of materialism, his poetry is filled with mysticism, symbolism, and alternative perspectives on reality that challenge conventional views of the physical world. In works like The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Jerusalem, he explores the nature of reality and…

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