“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic” – Dresden James
via: Damian Nix
This is an incredible journey that life takes us through. The process of understanding about life begins at birth and throughout to death. We go to our graves still in awe of the profound amount of things we could never explain, or make sense of. However, if one is observant to the world around them, they can tell that something is amiss with the way things have been explained to them. The questions always start small and end up avalanching you over until the fine line between intelligence and madness is reached. And some of us push on into the realm of the impossible and improbable, yet within the bounds of unrefuted scientific possibility. Cosmology is the explanation of the universe in a logical, reasonable manner. Seeking ever to explain the process by which our world works. Many cosmological theories have been postulated over the centuries, and not all stand the test of scientific scrutiny.
But the truth is, the model of the world we have been taught tends to follow the prevailing thoughts of the day, and without much connection or frame of reference -the prevailing thought of the day can seem like the hard truth that cannot be refuted- and that challenging such a belief may lead to harm. For many throughout history, this challenge to accepted reality often did come upon pain of death or inquisition. Mankind is seeking, always seeking for the answer, the unifying theory of it all. The prevailing minds of the day believe a certain way, and lead the mass minds into their conception, or misconception, accuracy or erroneousness, all the while steering the reality of the world through the minds of the people by creating and defining for them, the people’s world.
Many minds are able to hold two opposing ideas within them at the same time, provided the ideas are far enough apart from each other. Bringing them together results in repulsion, as a magnet to a like pole.
video by @truemodeloftheworld at ConcaveEarth.net (video in full quality)
People can then believe at one level exactly what they are taught to believe by the prevailing elite minds of the day. They memorize facts and figures to look learned to the other people who’ve been influenced by the erroneous.
All the while, these people are secretly hiding another belief as what they believe to be the true reality and a more rational foundation for the world. For most of us today, this foundation is science, instead of religion. 300 years ago it was the opposite, but that is the back and forth dance between these sets of belief that we can see directly through history.
The foundations of these concepts of our reality come in through decentralized messages. Most of which are being presented through culture, movies, and fiction. The people are taught to hold opposing views in their heads. The messages of science with its hard to understand math and obfuscated data remains in the realm of Authority and Mystery school, and the culture concept enters our minds at the opposite end, the tantalizing, candy side of informational input, the slick entertainment showbiz side of things which is always surrounded by enough glitz and glitter as to make it appear otherworldly and it is because of the division of science to the creative force. The science is held away from understanding, and the story the people ‘want to believe’ are held at a far enough distance away so that the average person is always obfuscated at the true nature of the reality they live in. Who could honestly float a (true) concept he ‘saw on television’ as an explanation of how the world works, because, duh.. Nothing on TV is reality. It’s all glitz and glam and no real substance. Nothing could be further from the truth but because the Hollywood messages are revelations of the method, you’d look like a crackpot if you floated any known storylines as an accurate depiction of reality. But often you can glean a great deal of what is actually true information through fiction.
The James Bond writer, Ian Fleming was an ex MI5 agent who wrote the books he did to expose the truth through the fictional retelling of actual events. He sought through his writing of true events disguised as fiction, the ability to ‘fictionalize to open eyes‘. The process these days, appears to be the exact opposite of this concept, and now the process involves fictionalizing to close eyes, but all the when hiding the truth in tiny proportion to the fantastic.
The alchemical ritual of the revelation of the method principle will always tend to reveal many secrets to those who are observant. But these revelations always show in plausibly deniable sources, like fiction and especially ‘science’ fiction in books and movies and never from official sources. The information that most people tend to seek whenever they have doubts always to have those fears immediately assailed by ‘debunkers’ who’s professional work is to troll truth seekers with disinformation.
Anyone with discernment can see the revelation of the method in our daily lives through symbolism and the messages of pop culture. Read between the lines of our culture, and look into the sky, take a look at what has been done in the process of the ‘great work’ throughout history. Investigate everything. Connect the dots and let’s discover the truth together.
by Damian Nix (altnews.info)
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The hollow mask study tells a lot about human perception. Your average human views the world from what the psychiatric field calls top down processing. We know what a face looks like so even when we see one
that is backward, or concave, our minds see it as we do a normal face. Schizophrenics, people on certain psychoactive drugs, as well as simple minded folk view the world using bottom up processing. Simply put, like a child seeing something for the first time. As a result, they have no problem distinguishing a concave mask vs. a convex one. There is no preconceived notion to make the correction internally. So the “normal” people can’t see what is true and should be obvious, whilst the “defective” ones can see reality as it is. Something seems very wrong.
But here we are…
That’s really interesting, I didn’t know that… My mom lost half vision in her good eye recently as a result of the covid vaccine. For a short period she had visual hallucinations, which she was told were fairly common. Very weird stuff, light combined with mind..
That’s scary. I hope she’s ok now.