The Lost Center

The “lost center” describes the confusion of our time. Symbolically, but also in concrete scientific terms. A look up into the sky would be enough.

The following are articles that have been translated from German to English for your reading pleasure.

from our friend Philip Mikas
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via: Auf zur Mitte – by Philip Mikas

Reasons Earth Can’t Be Flat – Auf Zur Mitte

1. The Southern Cross and the North Star would have to be visible at the same time on a
flat earth, which is not the case. There is a short video about this: Flat Earth refuted in
103 seconds . The North Star must be aimed at about 90° above your head at the
North Pole, while from the equator it is visible at 0° just above the horizon. This
phenomenon would be completely impossible on a flat earth. QED 

2. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle: On a disk surface it would be exactly 180°,
but on a sphere surface it would be more than 180°. This is the first thing that flat
earthers should check. QED

3. A rotating primordial mass cannot form into a disk because gravity acts radially and
thus there is no force that favors a “disk-shaped expansion” of the primordial mass.

4. The sun and moon would have to increase in size from the horizon towards the zenith,
as that is where they approach the observer. Otherwise there would be no day/night
change, which is only supposed to occur due to “perspective”. If the sun were to
approach and recede in perspective, it would 1) always be visible and 2) it would cover
smaller and smaller distances in the sky at equal time intervals the closer it gets to the
horizon. But that is exactly what is not observed! QED

5. The sun is much too big at sunset to confirm the flat-thinker theory. The sun would
have to become much smaller and, above all, it would never be allowed to disappear
vertically downwards like that. It would just get closer to the horizon and at some point
it would be so small that you would no longer be able to see it. QED

6. The flight times differ greatly from the calculated distances on a disc. “So let’s fly from
Johannesburg to Sao Paulo, it’s 7429 kilometers. Flight time 10 hours 15 minutes. For
comparison, a flight route from Moscow to New York: it’s 7509 kilometers (80
kilometers more). Flight time 9 hours 55 minutes. The distances are about the same
and so are the flight times.If the earth were a disc, the flight from Johannesburg to
Sao Paulo would take much longer, about three times as long.So the flat earth is
the “latest thing” that can only fade away, because the earth is spherical…” – from
a Christian blog.QED

7. Above all, there would be no clear night shadow boundary on a flat Earth. The
observed boundary runs straight along a hemispheric great circle from north to south.
On a flat surface, the shadow would have to be concave and blurred (since there is no
object between the sun and the surface). QED

8. The seasons on the Flat Earth actually depend on the distance of the sun. The sun
would have to rotate in a relatively small, 365-day epicycle around an imaginary center
of mass that follows its daily orbit and would also change rhythmically in its angular
size, which is not observed. QED

9. The horizon effect cannot be explained by “perspective compression” ! See the video
above “Sun’s trajectory as perspective”. QED

10. The pictures of the 230 m high Cuxhaven TV tower , taken from Heligoland, 60 km
away, are an example of objects disappearing behind the horizon. The operating
platform of the Friedrich Clemens Gerke Tower is at a height of 100 m. If you feed the
“Earth Curvature Calculator” with a 40 m high observation point on Heligoland and a
distance of 60 km to the tower, the result is 109 m below the horizon line. And all this
long before the Flat Earth hype began. Back then (2011), nobody could have guessed
that photographs proving the curvature of the Earth would one day become so
important and that curvature deniers would accuse every photo of “manipulation à la

11. In flight navigation, it is known that an artificial horizon (gyroscope) must constantly
send a message (with a time delay) in order to display the correct flight pitch. This
would not be necessary in a flat world. QED

12. The moon would not be exactly upside down in the southern hemisphere, but would
have to look exactly the same, or, if it were an approaching disk, would be larger at the
zenith than at the horizon. See the image comparison above between London and
Sydney. The moon cannot be upside down
on a flat earth precisely because everything takes place on a single plane, so all
observers – in relation to this one plane – only look in the same direction (upwards),
regardless of where on the plane they are! To deny this, one must deny objective
reality. The “proof of contradiction” against a “non-binding reality” is usually given to
children with a resounding slap in the face. QED

13. If the moon itself were radiant, as FE supporters claim, the moon should not have
phases and the shadows of the mountains on the moon should not change according
to the phase. QED

14. If you are standing directly on the equator (e.g. in Quito) at the equinox on March 20th
or September 22nd , the sun will rise exactly in the east, move through the zenith
(vertically above your head) and set exactly in the west. The real observer must turn
exactly 180° between sunrise and sunset. However, on a flat earth, because of the
equinox, there should only be exactly 90° between the two points (the sun makes
exactly half an orbit), no more (that would be a shorter day!) and no less (that would be
a longer day)! That means on a flat earth there should only be exactly 90° between the
two points on the horizon for the Quito viewpoint, and definitely not 180°! QED
Fernsehtum Cuxhaven with 230 m height photographed from Heligoland.

15. On a flat earth, airplanes would have to constantly fly a slight curve to stay on the
equator. On a globe, they only need to maintain altitude (through the artificial horizon)

16. Last but not least: The starry sky rotates clockwise in the northern hemisphere and
counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. This ONLY works on a sphere! QED


I’ll add that the recent 24 hour sun in Antarctica (The Final Experiment) would be impossible on a flat plane and especially if Antarctica is the circumference of their world; it’s impossible. 

During Antarctica’s summer, they experience 24 hours of sunlight. The sun just goes around in a circle in the sky above their heads clockwise for months down there. (the sun goes right to left along the horizon) It does the same thing in the North Pole during its summer, but it goes counter-clockwise (left to right).

How can you have the sun go both clockwise and counter-clockwise in the sky on different parts of a flat plane?

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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.

One Comment:

  1. snowing here now… was 65F yest.

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