A gif (pronounced like the peanut butter) is a an animated image, kind of like stop motion animation. I have a pretty big collection. I’ve made a few here as well.. Enjoy 🙂
by Makoto Nakamura
Major Scales on Circle of Fifths
“Truth is undoubtedly the sort of error that cannot be refuted because it was hardened into an unalterable form in the long baking process of history” -Michel Foucault
“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.” -M. C. Escher
Gotcha!!! This is actually a .jpg
Everything is a matter of perspective
Earth in the corner, billiard shot.
“The science of the future will be based on Sympathetic Vibrations.” -Rudolf Steiner, 1913
Icosahedron in motion
{the sound you make with your tongue and the back of your upper teeth}
Aghh Shit…
Pentagonal pattern from Venus and Earth
Phi ratios are found in all life (It’s how you know the universe is not some random cosmic burp)
Phi, the Golden Ratio
The Golden Rectangle
In a solar eclipse, the Moon’s disk is exactly the right size to cover the Sun. – Peter Plichta
“The size of the lunar disc varies over the course of a lunar month due to ‘libration’, the oscillating motion of the orbit of the Moon relative to the orbit of the Earth. It is remarkable that the size of the lunar disc only matches the solar disc perfectly at a new moon which is the only time a total solar eclipse can occur.” -Scott Onstott -Taking Measure
The Tesseract
Stare at the dot for 10 seconds. Goethe, not Newton, understood this phenomenon
For the fetters
The Fractal Tea Set™
The Archimedean and Catalan Solids
Fractal geometry is not just a chapter of mathematics, but one that helps Everyman to see the same world differently. Benoit Mandelbrot