Lift and Sink Forces | Centripetal Convergence and Centrifugal Divergence

Centripetal Convergence (Lift Force) and Centrifugal Divergence (Sink Force)

Lift Force: EMR, all light curves up, strongest at the center, weakest at crust
Sink Force: Gravity, it’s a push not a pull, weakest at the center, strongest at crust

Centripetal Lift Force. Centrifugal Sink Force. LSC Concave Earth

Lift Force – Centripetal Convergence

centripetal (moving towards center)
convergent (moving closer together)

lift Force: electromagnetic radiation (light) curves up – strongest at the center – weakest at crust

– 🎵 The electromagnetic flux’s lift and sink forces have an inversely proportional relationship.
– 🔵 Blue arrows depict centripetal convergence lift force drawing objects towards the celestial sphere’s center.
– 🌍 Planets stay aloft due to stronger lift force towards the center and weaker sink force at the edge.
– 🔆 The magnetic sun attracts planets, preventing them from crashing into the celestial sphere.
– ⚙️ Centripetal lift force near the center contrasts with centrifugal sink force at the edge, affecting movement.
– 🧲 Neodymium iron-boron magnet analogy illustrates centripetal lift and centrifugal sink forces in a viscous free flux.
– 🌐 Sink force causes westward depression, affecting projectile trajectories and causing eastward deflection.
– 🌬️ Gyroscopes align with weaker lift forces at edges, liberating from strong sink forces and staying vertical.
– 🛩️ Airplane gyros align vertically due to magnetic alignment with the Earth’s central octahedron.

Sink Force – Centrifugal Divergence

centrifugal (moving away from center)
divergence (moving apart from)

sink Force: “gravity” -weakest at the center – strongest at crust

– 🚀 **Lift Force and Sink Force**: There’s an inverse relationship between centripetal (lift) and centrifugal (sink) forces in the electromagnetic flux.
– 🌍 **Centripetal Lift Force**: Blue arrows show how this force pulls objects toward the center, allowing planets to stay aloft easily. It is stronger in the center and weaker at the edges.
– ☀️ **Magnetic Sun’s Role**: The magnetic sun helps keep planets in place, preventing them from crashing into the celestial sphere.
– 🌀 **Centrifugal Sink Force**: Opposing the lift force, the sink force pushes downward, creating resistance and preventing Earth’s rotation.
– ⚖️ **Wheeler’s Gyroscope**: Demonstrates how centripetal lift perpetuates movement, while centrifugal sink stops it at the edge.
– 🔄 **Earth’s Sink Force Effect**: Causes objects like bullets to sink westward and rise eastward due to resistance in the sink force.
– ✈️ **Gyroscope Liberation**: Gyroscopes resist sink force at the edge, aligning with weaker lift forces, allowing vertical stability in planes.

Youtube video Summarize
Original transcript

the lift force and the sink force of the
electromagnetic flux there’s an
inversely proportional relationship
between the two
blue arrows represent the centripetal
convergence lift force it draws objects
to the center where the current is
attracted to the moving convex surface
of the celestial sphere the lift force
is stronger in the center and weaker at
the edge that is why planets have such
an easy time staying Aloft toward the
center because there’s not that much
sink force and plenty of lift Force if
it weren’t for the magnetic sun
attracting the planets they probably
would crash into the celestial sphere
the lift force cohabitates with the
centrifugal zinc Force which has the
inverse proportion effect the sync force
is the either push Force we all
experience on the earth or in the Earth
as it moves the Divergent fluxes but the
breaks on the earth preventing any
rotation remember Wheeler’s gyroscope on
this huge neodymium ironborn magnet the
centripetal lift Force perpetuated the
magnet in a viscous free flux near the
center yet the centrifugal Divergence
sink Force stopped the gyro on the edge
that’s what’s happening with the Earth
the sink Force generates a depression to
the West that’s why bullets sink to the
west and rise to the east we because
there’s a greater clamping down effect
for projectiles shot into the downstream
of the sink Force this is also what
causes Eastward deflection of flying
objects they seek the least resistance
which will always be found Eastward of
the meridian the sink force is so strong
at the edge it holds the watering Bay
the ether’s sink Force eliminates the
Coriolis or the atmos effect from being
the cause of this phenomenon since you
should know by now we are not on a
rotating planet now we can understand
what causes gyroscopes to liberate
themselves from the thick sink Force
happening at the edge the rotation of
the gyro is stripping off its sink Force
hold and aligning itself with a much
weaker lift Force at that level to allow
it to rise
the vertical axis seeks to magnetically
align itself with this Central
octahedron that’s why the airplane gyro
stays pretty much vertical wherever it
flies within the Earth

video by:

Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.

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