Constellations as Seafaring Routes: The Stars are a Map of Earth

via Dr. Kai Helge Wirth Renowned geografer and art historian Dr. Kai Helge Wirth has made a groundbreaking discovery that revolutionises our understanding of ancient Sumerian culture and its astronomical knowledge. Through intensive research and observations of the night sky, Mr Wirth has identified a series of constellations that represent an astonishing correspondence between constellations and major sea routes used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago. This is no wonder, since the Sumerians themselves say the constellations (which they invented) are “ways of the ocean”. The Sumerian civilisation, one of the oldest civilisations in human history, was known for its advanced knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and navigation. The discovery now reveals that the Sumerians created detailed maps of sea routes based on the positions of the stars thousands of years ago. The identified constellations form a precise representation of coastlines, currents and navigation…