The Dodecad

Dodecahedron Flower of Life

The numbers 1 through 12 are what’s called the Dodecad.  Do means 2.  Decad means 10. These are not just numbers, but qualities of reality and the numerical armature that nature uses to build herself.  There’s twelve hours on the clock, twelve inches in a foot, and twelve signs of the Zodiac.  Have these measures any correlation? Is it all just a big coincidence? “There are too many coincidences for it to be all just coincidence” – unknown This is 99.99% accurate according to NASA in 2014.  Now, NASA has been known to lie… Perhaps they are just playing a trick on us? Who knows! Some days I think they might knock on my door and congratulate me on recognizing their cosmo canonical number prank. The dodecahedron is the most mysterious of the Platonic solids.  Even mentioning this archetypal form outside the walls of Plato’s academy…

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Cosmic Proportions

Earth Moon and Phi

The physical sizes of Earth and Moon are encoded into the proportions and measurements we commonly use in our daily lives.  From Renaissance artists to 21st century school teachers, we all use these cosmic proportions.  Very few are cognizant of their underlying meaning. If our Moon sat directly tangent to Earth, these are the proportions that arise.  The circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square to 99.97% accuracy according to NASA’s own data. The Great Pyramid’s dimensions can be broken down to 7 high, and 11 across.  The perimeter of the base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the pyramid. The Moon and Earth can be summed up amazingly well using the numbers 3 and 11.  Maybe that punk rock band understood these sacred geometrical concepts and hid it in their name.

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The Great Pyramid of Giza

Some claim that we have the technology to build a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza today, while others suggest the intricate detail, being so far advanced, is impervious to the consciousness of modern man.  Our hubris blinds us to the possibility that the Ancients were far more developed than we are today.  Sure, we may have iphones and nanotechnology, but the ineffable brilliance and extreme precision attained by the Ancients through their architecture is still unattainable for experts in 2015. The golden proportion is found throughout the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The picture above shows a few ways phi and phee are encoded into its structure. As we will see Pi is also found in the measurements of this magnificent giant.  Mainstream academia dismisses these findings since they are not 100% accurate.(They are 99.9+% accurate).  Little do they know that 100% precision is unobtainable…

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The Code

the code munck

Carl Munck is an archeocryptographer who re-discovered an ancient geo mathematical grid on Earth with precise latitude/longitude positions of ancient pyramids, mounds, effigies, monuments, and stone circles.  He has been able to confirm these discoveries by simply pointing-out what is there for all to see, by use of simple math.  One of his greatest achievements was in proving that the prime meridian is actually centered on the Great Pyramid of Giza instead of Greenwich, England.  Sadly his re-discoveries are ignored, swept under the carpet of the collective unconscious. Carl came out with a series of videos in the 90’s called “The Code”.  This three part series is 5 hours long, but worth watching every minute.  He clearly lays out this ‘geomath matrix’ in astounding detail and accuracy by surveying various ancient sites around the globe.  He found a code that the ancient’s knew about and had used in determining where to…

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The Philosopher’s Stone (d)

philosopher's stone

Manly P. Hall writes, The Philosopher’s Stone is an ancient symbol of the perfected and regenerated man whose divine nature shines forth through a chain of purified and unfolded vehicles. It is a term used to describe the Supreme Wisdom, the union of the divine consciousness or omniscient Solar Principle in man with the lower consciousness or personality, which union has been the goal of Initiates of all ages. Exoterically, the Philosopher’s Stone is the secret of the transmutation of the baser metals into gold. Esoterically, it is the transformation of the self.  This is what is known as the “Great Work”. “Make of a man and woman a circle; then a quadrangle; out of this a triangle; make again a circle, and you will have the Stone of the Wise.” In Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens, a book of alchemical engravings by Johann de Bry,…

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Quicksilver & Gaia

Mercury Earth Music of the SPheres

The orbits of Mercury and Earth and be described in this way. Draw a square around the orbit of Mercury. Surround this square with a circle. Do the same and draw another square around this circle. On the four corners of this larger square, draw four circles with radii that reach the last circle you drew. One more step. Draw a large circle around the four smaller circles. You just defined Earth’s orbit to 99.9% accuracy. The other planets in the solar system also show geometric relationships.  Geometry is number in space, and Music is number in time.  The solar system echoes these fundamentals of the Quadrivium through their orbital periods, sizes, and distance from the Sun.  Kepler discovered that the planets’ orbits neatly fit inside of nested platonic solids.  He called this Mysterium Cosmographicum.  Pythagoras and his buddies called it the Music of the…

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Sacred Geometry of the Moon

The physical dimensions of Earth and Moon reveal astounding geometries. The sacred geometry of the Moon was understood long ago and the ancients hid the esoteric meaning in the dimensions of their monuments and architecture. The Moon encodes the first two Pythagorean Triples, which are sets of whole numbers that satisfy the equation popularized by Pythagoras that everyone is familiar with. Pythagorean Theorem a^squared + b^squared = c^squared In the book “Taking Measure”, Scott Onstott shows that the point of intersection that defined the amount of full moons in a year (12.369), lies on the perfect fifth (2:3) ratio on the smallest side of the triangle. These numbers also encode esoteric knowledge about the geometric locations of Stonehenge and other sacred sites in England. He continues: “In The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth, John Michell and Robin Heath identified a 5:12:13 Pythagorean triangle…

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Mathemagical Synchronicities in our Measure of Space and Time

Our units of measurement of space and time encode a synergistic system, a sacred canon of number beyond that of which we commonly associate today.  Miles, furlongs, minutes, seconds, degrees, these units synchronize with a cosmic order creating a divine system in our holofractographic reality. These are the mathemagical synchronicities in our measure of time and space.  One ft is not one foot because it is the size of a King’s shoe back in the day.  One foot is one ft because it aligns with the cosmos as well of that of man.  As the popular hermetic axiom succinctly phrases it, As above so below.  The ancient philosopher Protagoras put it another way;  “Man is the measure of all things.” “In ancient Greece the advanced students of the philosopher Pythagoras who were engaged in deep studies of natural science and self-understanding were called “mathematekoi”…

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