Reciprocal Gnosis

49 Octave of Light

Therein lies esoteric gnosis of the inner-workings of reality through analyzing the first principle of the Quadrivium, Number.  The reciprocals of the natural numbers reveal patterns that are visible only when we put on our goggles of decimal expansion and peer deep into the realms of numeric possibilities. The reciprocal of a number is simply one divided by that number. The reciprocal of 5 is .2 because 1/5 = .2  Conversely, the reciprocal of 2 is 5, because 1/5 = .2 This resembles patterns that arise is what is known as vortex based math.  The reciprocals of certain numbers reveal patterns that are easily recognizable at first, but then disintegrate into the apparent randomness. But it’s not random. There exists intelligence in the way nature operates.  With this reciprocal gnosis we can analyze the quality of Number itself and reveal order from ostensible chaos. The reciprocal of 49 (1/49) reveals binary numbers,…

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The Great Pyramid of Giza

Some claim that we have the technology to build a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza today, while others suggest the intricate detail, being so far advanced, is impervious to the consciousness of modern man.  Our hubris blinds us to the possibility that the Ancients were far more developed than we are today.  Sure, we may have iphones and nanotechnology, but the ineffable brilliance and extreme precision attained by the Ancients through their architecture is still unattainable for experts in 2015. The golden proportion is found throughout the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The picture above shows a few ways phi and phee are encoded into its structure. As we will see Pi is also found in the measurements of this magnificent giant.  Mainstream academia dismisses these findings since they are not 100% accurate.(They are 99.9+% accurate).  Little do they know that 100% precision is unobtainable…

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The Code

the code munck

Carl Munck is an archeocryptographer who re-discovered an ancient geo mathematical grid on Earth with precise latitude/longitude positions of ancient pyramids, mounds, effigies, monuments, and stone circles.  He has been able to confirm these discoveries by simply pointing-out what is there for all to see, by use of simple math.  One of his greatest achievements was in proving that the prime meridian is actually centered on the Great Pyramid of Giza instead of Greenwich, England.  Sadly his re-discoveries are ignored, swept under the carpet of the collective unconscious. Carl came out with a series of videos in the 90’s called “The Code”.  This three part series is 5 hours long, but worth watching every minute.  He clearly lays out this ‘geomath matrix’ in astounding detail and accuracy by surveying various ancient sites around the globe.  He found a code that the ancient’s knew about and had used in determining where to…

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The Anthropic Principle Fallacy

earth moon

Life exists because the conditions of our planet are perfect. The Moon is just the right distance from Earth. The gravitational constant and electric charge on the atom are just right.  Everything is somehow just perfect.. The Anthropic Principle is the idea that it is pointless to question why, because life can only exist with these perfect conditions. This is a dismissive and circular logical fallacy. It’s a flaw in reasoning.  Life is much more than a bunch of coincidences. We are more than the mere product of time and chance. We dismiss the beauty and intelligence of mother nature as a serendipitous ‘big bang’ that arose from nothing for no particular reason.  Consent in manufactured through the acquiescence of the minds that are weak. A nihilistic ontology by way of ‘big bangs’, the media, and propagandized sheep. “The facts of science are real enough, and so…

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Organizing Reality


Why do we organize things in groups of ten? You could argue that it’s only because we use the decimal system or base-10 mathematics, so it just appears that way.  However there is a lot of evidence that supports the idea that the decimal system is not some made-up anthropocentric contrivance, but a scalable numerical matrix to our reality.  Wikipedia tells us, we use base-10 because it is the most convenient since we have 10 fingers.  But as we’ll explore, there’s much more to it than that. The tetractys is a mystical symbol and was very important to the secret worship of the Pythagoreans.  A triangular figure consisting of ten points arranged in four rows: one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical representation of the fourth triangular number.  The Tetragrammaton is the the name of God written in four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH.  Both of…

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