The Archimedean Solids & Their Dual Catalan Solids

The Archimedean solids and their duals the Catalan solids are less well known than the Platonic solids.  Whereas the Platonic solids are composed of one shape, these forms that Archimedes wrote about are made of at least two different shapes, all forming identical vertices.  They are 13 polyhedra of this type.  And since each solid has a ‘dual’ there are also 13 Catalan solids.  There are 26 in total.  If  our two-dimensional letters of the alpha-bet were three dimensional forms, these solids would be a great representation of our language.

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Epistemologically What Do We ‘Know’?

spiral pattern colors

What we know as truth is largely determined by the opinions of our peers, and not actual scientific evidence like you would think. We so desperately strive to fit in and feel loved in a society that we surrender common sense and intuition; we bandwagon the group mind. We give up common sense for reassurance.  We trust the experts.  We see what we’ve been taught to see.  We know what we’re taught to know. A cultural hypnosis dissuades us from finding the Universal Truth.  We believe things because everyone else believes them, not because we know them to be true personally. What do we really know? What is the truth? How do we separate what we truly know and what we think we truly know? Can we rely on the supposed facts purported by the experts – whose factual volatility is proven time after time- or should…

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The Philosopher’s Stone (d)

philosopher's stone

Manly P. Hall writes, The Philosopher’s Stone is an ancient symbol of the perfected and regenerated man whose divine nature shines forth through a chain of purified and unfolded vehicles. It is a term used to describe the Supreme Wisdom, the union of the divine consciousness or omniscient Solar Principle in man with the lower consciousness or personality, which union has been the goal of Initiates of all ages. Exoterically, the Philosopher’s Stone is the secret of the transmutation of the baser metals into gold. Esoterically, it is the transformation of the self.  This is what is known as the “Great Work”. “Make of a man and woman a circle; then a quadrangle; out of this a triangle; make again a circle, and you will have the Stone of the Wise.” In Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens, a book of alchemical engravings by Johann de Bry,…

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The Anthropic Principle Fallacy

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Life exists because the conditions of our planet are perfect. The Moon is just the right distance from Earth. The gravitational constant and electric charge on the atom are just right.  Everything is somehow just perfect.. The Anthropic Principle is the idea that it is pointless to question why, because life can only exist with these perfect conditions. This is a dismissive and circular logical fallacy. It’s a flaw in reasoning.  Life is much more than a bunch of coincidences. We are more than the mere product of time and chance. We dismiss the beauty and intelligence of mother nature as a serendipitous ‘big bang’ that arose from nothing for no particular reason.  Consent in manufactured through the acquiescence of the minds that are weak. A nihilistic ontology by way of ‘big bangs’, the media, and propagandized sheep. “The facts of science are real enough, and so…

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Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance | Ancient Knowledge | Psychology

Evidence alone rarely sways the opinions of the people or the person. More creative means must be employed to ignite the fire of self transformation, to clear past the fog of cognitive dissonance that keeps the collective unconscious enslaved to fallacious theories supported by the majority and backed up by ideology instead of reality.   The larger the number of people that believe in a certain ‘truth’, the less interested we are in validating the origin of the ostensible truth.   As a result, no evidence is required to prove the validity of these sacrosanct ‘truths’ firmly established in the minds of the scientific community, the average plumber, and the common house wife. Any aberrant models contrasting the current paradigm of ‘truth’ are quickly cast aside as heretical dissidents, crackpot quackery, regardless of the piles of evidence to back them up. The more we think we know…

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