The 2732 Moon Mystery

moon mystery sidereal moonth earth square the circle
It’s curious that the Moon has such an influence on the oceans, which are made of water. And water’s boiling point is 273.2 % higher than its freezing point. We are something like 80% water.

The Moon is said to influence our emotions. Especially females. Women menstruate every full moon. Menstruation (menstrualis) literally translates to “monthly”. And “month” of course come from “moon”. Each ‘moonth’ lasts one full moon which is 29.53 days or 27.32 sidereal days(measured upon the background stars)

2732 encoded in “Squaring the Circle”

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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.


  1. The moon attracts salt., the sun repels it.

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