Are Humans Frugivores & Designed To Eat Mostly Fruit?

This is my most popular article by far, and I wanted you to know that I’ve updated it over time. I’m not a fruitarian(frugivore) anymore, well, I never was exclusively; I’ve always ate other foods.  But I’ve sung the praises of the fruitarian lifestyle for quite a long time.

I am no longer on a 51% fruit diet like in the past, but still enjoy fruit weekly.

Disclaimer: Before I continue, I’d like to let everyone know that I have been paid off by the meat industry; they pay me 432 million a year to spread my opinion where I reach just over 600 followers.  I just wanted to be clear, because a few people have contacted me about that asking how I could have changed my tune so drastically.  Yes I am a paid shill for the dairy and meat industry.

Are humans designed to eat fruit?  Are we exclusively frugivores? (No!, but it might be better than just vegetables or the standard American diet.

Fruitarian Humans

Update: The Frugivore Chart Debunked?  You decide. Is this chart ^ cherrypicking?

Herbivores Vs. Omnivores Chart (How about this one?)

What Did Humans Evolve To Eat


We are the most biologically advanced species on Earth.  Fruit is the most advanced part of a plant. Animals are a different subject.   It has to be, since it’s responsibilities relies solely on the progeny of the plant itself.  Fruit, in its strict botanical sense, is the fleshy and ripened ovary of a plant, enclosing the seeds.

Have you ever met someone who doesn’t like fruit?  I sure haven’t.  We’re told that it’s high in sugar so we should limit our intake, however fruit doesn’t really contain any sugar, at least not our conception of it.  We’ve mistakenly equated man-made sugar with God-made sugar/fuel.  It’s not the same stuff, not even close.  One promotes cancer and death, the other, health and vitality.(there are two sources of fuel for our body, sugar[which the world promotes] and fat[which the world condones]

We instinctively crave fruit.  Put a strawberry and a cheeseburger in front of a baby and see which she goes for. Fruit is sweet, and it’s sweet for a reason.  It tastes good.  This is a clue for humans, so they know to eat it.  This first clue would be it’s appealing color, which immediately grabs our attention.  The second would be it’s appealing aroma.

Our tongues are equipped with taste buds.  They are our instruments for evaluating possible food.  Since the tip has a proclivity towards sweetness, and the fact that sweetness tastes good, it would only make sense that we humans were created to eat sweet food, in its raw natural and unadulterated state. But are we designed to eat exclusively fruit? Turns out, definitely not, BUT eating fruit can have detoxing effects, and if you’re sick, it might be a better option than shooting poison into your veins like the prestigious doctors would suggest.

Some people heal with fruit, and some with meat. Find out what works for your body.  If you’re not White like me, don’t try to drink milk, you probably can’t handle it. But that is a whole nother article!tongue_taste_buds

All species have instructions in their DNA to tell them what to eat and how to live, and humans are no exception.    The fact that sex feels good is not an accident.  It’s necessary for our survival.  The same way that the moon is the perfect distance from Earth.  Everything in nature is perfect.  These are no coincidences.

Our trichromatic vision seeks out fruit.  Andrew Smith of the University of Stirling in Scotland believes that trichromacy provides an important advantage for fruit eating species. (which includes apes, orangutans, chimps, monkeys, and humans)

Humans have so-called trichromatic, or three-color, vision. So do Old World species such as chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.  -NatGeo

Goethe Color Wheel 55

Fruit isn’t just ‘fruit’.  It is ‘the Fruit’, the fruit of the plant. The fruit contains the seed of the plant, it’s only hope for progeny and survival.  Because of this, the fruit is biologically designed to be the most advanced part of the plant, and extremely appealing to frugivorous onlookers who will hopefully spread its seeds far and wide.  It’s vitally important for fruit to stand out with its vibrant colors and appealing aroma.  It’s begging to be picked off the branch, eaten and reproduced.  It’s a mutually beneficial trade off.  The fruit eaters get to enjoy a mighty tasty snack, and in exchange we assist the plant’s propagation and reproduction. Everybody wins.

Frugivory is thought to have evolved as a mutualism to facilitate seed dispersal in plants. In general, an animal benefits by receiving sustenance from the plant by consuming the fruit. If the animal swallows the seeds of the fruit and later travels to a new area, it assists the propagation of the plant by dispersing the seeds when it defecates. –Brittanica.

Fruit is the easiest food to digest, which should right there, tip us off that we are biologically designed to eat it. That much is true, but consider that humans are the most sophisticated animals, not plants, (and if there is a God, which there most certainly is) omnivores are designed to eat everything. Humans are the most advanced and they are omnivores.  But are humans really frugivores???? correct (update 4/14/18)?

frugivore vs omnivore

Flesh eaters have very short intestines for the rapid expulsion of decomposing flesh. Vegetarians and Fruitarians have very long intestines for the slow digestion of fruit and vegetables.(update: it’s not that simple)

Imagine you’re the only person on Earth, there is no infrastructure, there are no restaurants, only you and the wilderness.  Soon you’ll undoubtably get hungry.  What are you going to eat?  There are animals running around everywhere, so you could kill one and cook it over a fire(or eat the meat raw?)  But time is of the essence and you need something to eat now, not later.

Luckily there are other options.  You could eat some broccoli you found, but you’ll notice it doesn’t taste that good unless it’s at least steamed, not to mention the difficulty in digestion.  You could dig up some carrots and eat them, but that too would require effort.  The divine architect didn’t provided us with sufficient digging tools.  We do however have eyes that seek out bright colors, and hands that are perfect for grabbing and peeling freshly ripened fruit right off the vine.

Proponents of the theory that humans should be classified as omnivores note that human beings do in fact possess a modified form of canine teeth.  -Vasu Murti

If there are a bunch of fruit trees, one can say that whoever created these fruit trees wanted some apples. In other words, by looking at the order in the world, we can infer purpose and from purpose we begin to get some knowledge of the Creator, the Planner of all this. This is, then, how I look at God. I look at God through the works of God’s hands and from those works imply intentions. From these intentions, I receive an impression of the Almighty.  -Arno Allan Penzias

humans pick fruit apple

We don’t have claws or hoofs like carnivores and herbivores.  We aren’t equipped with sharp teeth and abrasive tongues for ripping apart flesh. (or are we?)  In order for meat to taste good we have to cook it.(or do we?)

Herbivores (grazers and browsers – bison, rabbits, horses, sheep, deer, goats, giraffes, etc. ) are equipped to handle an exclusive raw leaf/grass diet. Granivores (primarily birds) thrive mostly on the raw grains of various grasses.

Carnivores (cats, lions, tigers, wolves, etc.) eat raw meat, but even they cannot thrive on an all meat diet.

Insectivores (ant-eaters, amphibians, other insects) thrive on raw insects.

Omnivores (hogs, brown bears, raccoons, etc.) are “everything eaters” who thrive on nearly all raw foods.

Frugivores (apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys, orangutans etc.) thrive mostly on raw fruits, succulent fruit-like vegetables, roots, shoots, nuts and seeds.


Those foods and influences to which a species is biologically adapted are those deemed “natural” to its disposition as derived by the sum total of their biological heritage from millions of years of evolution. Cumulative adaptations in each species over eons of time determines their natural dietary needs. 

Humans can surely eat fruit.  This isn’t to say we can’t also eat meat, nuts and seeds, and other things.

comparative anatomy of frugivore

“The alternative to treatment is true naturopathy (detoxification), a little known science of nature that has been used for hundreds of years by hundreds of thousands of people and animals worldwide. It has restored health and vitality to their physical, emotional and mental bodies. Detoxification encompasses the sciences of chemistry, biochemistry, botanical science and physics and has always been at the heart of true healing. For that reason, detoxification should be at the heart of natural medicine today, but has been forgotten in our modern world of treatment.”
~ Robert Morse, ND.

(Update: getting off the SAD diet, and going vegan or vegetarian works, 100 percent, but it takes a few years to really notice if you are getting all the nutrients your body needs.)

Recent research by anthropologists shows that we had an arboreal past. Our genetic ancestors were once tree dwellers. At that time, our genetic ancestors depended upon products of the tree, and later upon the fruits of stalk and vine for our sustenance. Dr. Alan Walker, an anthropologist of John Hopkins University in Maryland, has done research showing that early humans were once exclusively fruit eaters. By careful examination of fossil teeth and fossilized human remains with electron microscopes and other sophisticated tools, Dr. Walker and his colleagues are absolutely certain that early humans until relatively recently, were total fruitarians. These findings were reported in depth in the May 15, 1979 issue of the New York Times.

Dr Alan Walker and his associates, anthropologists at John Hopkins University, using the most modern electronic microscopic equipment,state: “Preliminary studies of fossil teeth have led to the startling suggestion that our early human ancestors (Australopithecus) were not predominantly meat-eaters or even eaters of seeds, shoots, leaves or grasses, nor were they omnivorous. Instead they appear to have subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit. Every tooth examined from the hominids of the 12 million year period leading up to Homo Erectus appeared to be that of a fruit-eater.”  – NY Times, May 1979

Science Verifies That Humans’ Ancestors Were Frugivores

Proof That Humans Are Fruit Eaters!

Proof that Humans Are Meat Eaters!

In 1971, a short-term study by B. J. Meyer was published in the South African Medical Journal describing how lipid profiles and glucose tolerances improved on a particular fruitarian diet.  In a further trial in the study, body weights of overweight subjects showed a tendency to “level off” at the “‘theoretically ideal’ weight”. -wikipedia

I do not intend to enter into any lengthy discussion of comparative anatomy and physiology at this place, but will content myself with saying that every anatomical, physiological and embryo-logical feature of man definitely places him in the class frugivore. The number and structure of his teeth, the length and structure of his digestive tract, the position of his eyes, the character of his nails, the functions of his skin, the character of his saliva, the relative size of his liver, the number and position of the milk glands, the position and structure of the sexual organs, the character of the human placenta and many other factors all bear witness to the fact that man is constitutionally a frugivore.  -Herbert M. Shelton


Eating foods foreign to our species specific diet are mucus forming and lead to dis-ease.

Arnold Ehret claimed that pus- and mucus-forming foods were the cause of human disease, “schleimlose” (slime-free) foods were the key to human health and “fasting (simply eating less) is Nature’s omnipotent method of cleansing the body from the effects of wrong and too much eating.”The term mucus, a glyco-protein acid, derives from the Greek “myxa”. In 1812, William Cullen referred to mucus as ‘butyraceous matter’ and in 1877, Gustav Schlickeysen referred to a mucus layer beneath the human skin in Obst Und Brod. It was later termed ‘mucin’ by Dr. Teofilo De La Torre in the 1950s,’mucous’ by Morris Krok in the 1960s, ‘impacted fecal matter’ by Norman Walker in the 1970s  ‘mucoid matter’ by Robert Gray in the 1980s,and ‘mucoid plaque’ in the 1990s. In the 2000s, Daniel Reid re-introduced the term ‘mucus’. Gray made a further distinction between healthy and unhealthy mucus, and how certain substances left an internal residue which the body suspended in mucu, in contrast with a fruitarian diet.

Having denounced the nitrogenous-albumin metabolic theory in 1909, Ehret learned of a contemporary, Thomas Powell M.D., in 1912, who concurred with his belief that “grape sugar” (simple sugars in fruits and vegetables) was the optimum fuel source, body building material and agent of vitality, for humans, not protein rich foods  -wikipedia (Arnold Ehret)

“Disease is an effort of the body to eliminate waste, mucus and toxemias, and this system assists Nature in the most perfect and natural way. Not the disease but the body is to be healed; it must be cleansed, freed from waste and foreign matter, from mucus and toxemias accumulated since childhood. You cannot buy health in a bottle, you cannot heal your body, that is, cleanse your system in a few days, you must make “compensation” for the wrong you have done your body all during your life. My system is not a cure or a remedy, it is a regeneration, a thorough house-cleaning, the acquisition of such clean and perfect health as you never knew before.”   -The Mucusless Diet Healing System. by Arnold Ehret

Fruit as the Treatment of  Cancer and Diabetes!

It is “off point” to think that one must “kill” or starve a cancer cell. Yes, sugar feeds all cells even cancer cells this is off point though in that to starve a cancer cell you will affect all your cells. This same philosophy is used in chemotherapy and in the medical community. This is ridiculous in that if you damage or weaken your other cells, they will then become your new A-typical or cancer cells. The point of cancer is your sewer system – the Lymphatic System. It is your “sewer system” which removes and neutralizes cellular wastes (acids) and damaged cells. It’s the “acids” that can kill you. By the way, the pH of chemotherapy is equivalent to battery acid!

Hippocrates Institute, in my opinion, is quite off base and can hurt people who have sugar metabolism problems where fruit would help them tremendously. All of our diabetics get fruit. Diabetes is one of the easiest conditions to cure! To summarize: those who have higher fasting glucose levels are starving their cells for essential carbon, which is vital in keeping a cell healthy and alive. Fruits would be very advisable in these cases, as fruit sugars can be used by cells where pancreatic and adrenal function can block glucose (vegetable sugar) entry. You might initially have some blood glucose “loading” but this will disappear and your cells will be getting energy and therefore, the atrophy will stop.

Remember also that fruits are much more electrical (energetic) to one’s body and are much higher in antioxidants and astringents than vegetables, which makes them ideal in cancer cases where one must understand the lymphatic system. -Dr. Robert Morse

fruit breakfast

A Tragic Myth: The Truth About Sugars

As the engine in your car needs a carbon-based fuel to run, so does your physical body. Of the main constituents, your body needs to function amino acids, fatty acids, and sugars are primary. However, it is sugar mixed with oxygen that your body requires to run the machine. To understand sugars better, simple definitions of sugars are necessary.

  • Monosaccharides: A single or simple sugar, e.g., glucose, fructose, or galactos, also known as carbohydrates
  • Poly or Disaccharides: Starch or complex sugars consisting of several glucose/fructose bonds depending upon the type of starch or carbohydrate.

Your body uses digestion to separate the simple from the complex. In other words, your body can’t use proteins, it can only use amino acids. So the body must break down a complex amino acid structure (called a protein) into amino acids; fats to fatty acids; and starch or complex sugars to simple sugars. With this factual information, it should start to become evident that sugars are a big factor in health! Your body mixes glucose or fructose with oxygen to achieve cellular energy known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Without ATP a cell will weaken and become attacked (mainly by parasites), or bonded with a virus, or antigen.

You must understand your body does not use proteins for energy. It is only the adrenaline or epinephrine in meat that is energetic. This is a problem in that your adrenal glands are supposed to supply your body with adrenaline, when needed, for nerve function.

When you consume complex sugars, as in anything complex, your body now has to deal with the overload of simple sugars and now has to store them as fat, excrete what it can, and use the fungal family to help it rid itself of all the unneeded sugar (since sugars are mostly carbon bonds that are broken down into carbonic acid.) Now we are back to excessive acidosis.

The same is true with proteins and fats. A lot of man’s toxemia comes from excess proteins, fats, and sugars, which are broken down into acids, stored and/or parasitically acted upon. With a stagnant lymphatic system, this creates: systemic acidosis, body odors, culturing of parasites (bacterium, fungi, protozoa’s, etc.) all of which starts the inflammatory (immune) response leading to the atrophy of the body.

Fruit and Reading Chart 2

Fruit (sugars) and Candida (fungus)

It is said, ” Sugars feed Candida. I hope with the above understanding you can see through this myth! If you put out a piece of cheese, a slice of bread, and some grapes or a ripe banana on the counter in your kitchen, which one is going to grow mold (fungus) on it first? It will be a race between the bread and cheese. The fruit will only grow mold as it begins to ferment, since the cheese and bread are already fermented.

Remember: Nature uses the parasitic kingdom to clean and eliminate that which is not needed, damaged, or in someway loses its ability to support life in a healthy way. Fermentation and putrefaction are the processes of decay, or breakdown, which require parasitic action. Healthy cells and lymph do not require parasitic action. Of course this includes the cells in your body. With this understanding, what type of sugar could feed Candida (yeast, fungus, molds, warts, etc.)? That’s right… STARCHES and EXCESS COMPLEX SUGARS!

Fruit Smoothie

Sugars (fruit) and Cancer

“Sugars feeds cancer” is another tremendous myth. To claim sugars feed cancer is to deny what decades of science has proven. To starve the body for a sugar is to starve the cell of its energy. This causes cancer. Starvation, acidosis, and ketosis damage cells. A damaged cell is on its walk down the road to A-typical and becoming a cancer cell. This is also true of proteins and refined fats or too many supplemented fatty acids.

Remember: The body is simplistic. More is not better. Less is often times better e.g., fasting of all types, under-eating, etc. Acids feed cancer as acids create inflammation and the parasite response to the above. As previously stated, glucose and fructose are both simple sugars. To say a fruit feeds cancer is also saying vegetables feed cancer. This is all stupid thinking! Even the American Cancer Society recommends a high fruit and vegetable diet!

There are many properties that make fruit superior to vegetables. Fruits are higher in antioxidants and astringents and will move your lymphatic system far better than vegetables. This is why one sees a lymphatic response when fruit is consumed. That is what you want! Fruits, also being a simple sugar, are superior for diabetics, pancreatitis, hepatitis, and all other gastric and intestinal conditions. Fructose does not require insulin or extensive digestive enzymes. Fruits’ magnetic (electrical) energy is the highest of all foods, making them superior brain and nerve foods. They will bring energy to the body where most other foods take it away. NEVER FEAR THE USE OF FRUITS!

-Dr. Robert Morse 


More Fruit For Lifers: Mark James Gordon, Arnold’s Way, Brian RossiterKevin Hinton.

Web Resources:

Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism (Chapter 17) – The Hygienic System – Herbert M. Shelton 

21 Articles-Early-Human-Diet

Natural Human Diet according to Biological and Evolutionary Evidence

Humans Developed Eating Fruit

Biological Adaptations

Comparative Anatomy of Eating

Fruitarianism in the Bible

High Protein Diets Can Kill You

Sweet Natural Living

What About All the Sugar in Fruit?

If Fructose is Bad, What about Fruit?

Green Lean Bean



Arnold Ehret – Mucusless Diet Healing System

Arnold Ehret – Rational Fasting

Bragg – The Miracle of Fasting

Easy to be Raw Recipes

The Great Lymphatic System

Raw Secrets

Iridology Simplified – Bernard Jensen


The Raw Truth Recipes and Resources for the Living Foods Lifestyle

Stanley Burroughs – The Master Cleanser (Detox)

The Cause of Disease by Kenneth S. Jaffrey

Tell Me Simply by Kenneth S. Jaffrey

Nature Cure (self

Natural Foods – Kenneth S. Jaffrey


Dr. Robert Morse – The Detox Miracle Sourcebook


Deep Detox Using FRUIT

Our unique symbiotic relationship with specialized plant development environments (fruit)
Tony Wright

Detox With Fruit! 

Humans are Frugivores – Youtube Playlist

An Open Debate on Fruit Sugar

The following if the opening chapter from Dr. Robert Morse’s “The Detox Miracle Sourcebook”  (PDF)

Disclaimer: This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other health care worker. Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call your doc­tor or 000 immediately. Noth­ing con­tained in the Site is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. There is no better person to take care of yourself than you. Be well.


Fruit is vital to our existence.  Personally, without fruit, I don’t know what I would do.  Fruit has transformed my life since I began this journey back in 2012.  Since then my diet has been at least 51% fruit.  I’ve eliminated my own health problems with diet alone.  When you know what you are biologically designed to eat, it’s not rocket science.

In all the healing modalities I’ve come across, raw fruit is always the common denominator.  Raw fruit is THE ANSWER to most of your health problems. Please, for the love of God, try eating a primarily fruit diet, and sit back and watch your dreams come to fruition.

Update (7/6/17):

It’s been five years since I’ve transitioned into my new way of living, eating, and thinking.  Through that time I have gained not only a better understanding of health and wellness, but’ve also found myself steeped into subjects that should ostensibly have no correlation to this current concept.

Since then, I’ve studied all kinds of other stuff like politics, history, theology, geology, and anthropology.  I’ve been eating fruit almost every day since, but have loosened up on my restrictive diet of ‘mostly fruit’.  The reason being, any health problems I once had quickly(4 or 5 months for me) disappeared.  So by slowly introducing new types of food I was able to evaluate which one’s did and didn’t agree with me.

I started this article as a way for people to be able to help heal themselves.  I knew at that time, and still think today, that our diet is a crucial component in the equation of wellness.  But from my newfound studies, I have found that perhaps the answer is not as black and white as it once seemed.  There are always new perspectives to consider, and while I’m not saying that we shouldn’t eat fruit, I will say that we are all different; we live all over the earth, and perhaps some diets are more appropriate for certain populations than are for others.  As people in the comments have pointed out, there’s not a whole lot of fruit in Alaska, yet humans dwell there, even salubriously.

Update (3/15/18)

As I learn more and more I feel the need to update this article, especially since this is my most popular article by far.  What works for 6 months to a year might not work for a lifetime, and I am pretty sure now that fruit falls into this category.  I still believe that a fruitarian diet can have great health benefits short term.  It can help your body heal itself, that is clear.

But can humans survive on fruit alone? for their entire lifespan? Can we live as vegans, or even vegetarians for the rest of our lives? Has any society ever lived without animals or animals products? Do even monkeys and chimps eat solely fruit and non-animal foods?  The answer is a big NO!

But you might think, well look at all the evidence in this article that humans are frugivores! Joe, are you just ignoring everything you’ve written? No, I’m adding to it.  I still believe fruit is incredibly healthy, but we require fat, B12 and other things that the plant kingdom simply cannot provide.

There has been an agenda to push veganism for quite some time. As I’ve written about before, take what most people believe and accept and turn it on its head to uncover the truth of the matter. If the government is telling you that fat is unhealthy, you better bet your butt it is just the opposite.  With that said, here are some links that will help you make up your own mind…

P.S. I only stopped eating diary products for a few months early on. I didn’t realize how important they are until much later, but instinctively drank raw grass fed milk, and found healthy meats. Don’t believe the lie that meat is unhealthy. See below for the China Study Debunked.

Denis Minger

International Natural Hygiene Society

Weston Price Foundation

The NWO DIEt – The First Ever Anti-Vegan Documentary (2017) by Sv3rige


More on Health

The Cholesterol Myth – Saturated Fat Isn’t Harmful To Our Health

Hemp Helps Healing – The Endocannabinoid System, CBD Hemp Oil, & The End Of Suffering

How To Heal

The DIEt Deception

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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.


  1. May be this is all right, especially for people these living in temperate regions. That humans covering his food since millions of years with meat, is impressively demonstrates on cave paintings well enough, it’s all about hunting. Especially in northern regions, in winter and spring, meat is the more important food for humans, only in summer and autumn it is the fruits of plants. Sure, the aim is to take action against the unworthy factory farming. Especially in our first world is the cheap production for crowds a problem, simple because they often can or will not afford the much more expensive produced bio products. Food must be cheap, just in order to keep the poorer people quiet.

    • Quite right, Daniel. Food should be cheap, and according to JoeDubs’ Jarrod (as opposed to Subway’s Jared), eating a lot of fruit is very cheap! (read below)

      You did bring up a good point. Fruit doesn’t grow everywhere. I plan on updating the article with my insights on this, but perhaps, humans are not supposed to live in very cold latitudes. Do you know any humans that really like the arctic climate? I’m sure there are some, but our bodies are not acclimated to such an environment, whereas, humans closer to the equator can wear their birthday suit everyday.

  2. Ok well this intrigued me enough to at least test it out. I plan to eat at least 51% fruit of my daily intake to supplement my already Pescatarian diet. I’ll do it and report back here, below this comment in a month. : ) Excited to try it out! Thanks for the always interesting info Joe.

    • Glad to hear it Jarrod. Be advised, You might feel worse before you feel better, but stick with it. Your body will begin to detox toxins and you might experience some side effects, but hang in there. It will get MUCH better. Not everybody has these side effects, all depends on how toxic our bodies are. Please write back to let us know how you feel. 🙂

      • Ok, so I’m very excited to share the fruits ; ) of my 4 week-long experiment. For those on the fence or thinking of trying the Frugitarian diet, hopefully this testimony will prove insightful.

        First of all, I should say that I’ve eaten approximately 67% fruit (not 51%) as I replaced 2 out of 3 meals per day with all raw, organic fruits like bananas, kiwis, apples, pears, grapes, peaches, nectarines, oranges, etc. For those worried about the financial aspects of this, I’m happy to report that, for me, this has actually been less expensive; when I do the math, an entire meal costs approximately $3.00, which is less than I was spending previously. You can be tactful and buy some fruit in bulk at a discount ie. bags of apples/oranges, but for other fruit types, I end up going to the store every other day and buying small quantities.

        The first week I instantly felt better, though how much of this was placebo is hard to say; the power of the mind to affect the body mustn’t be underestimated. There is something to be said, however, about putting magical, beautiful food in your body, and you just inherently feel better and more optimistic about making conscious, healthy decisions. The first few days I did get quite hungry, but my appetite seemed to adjust fairly quickly. Also, amazingly, I lost 7lbs in the first 7 days! For me, the ultimate goal of all this wasn’t necessarily to lose weight, it was to become healthier in general, but the accompanied weight loss was an added bonus.

        Then, by a couple of days into week 2, I began to get sick. Phantom aches and pains showed up, I was tired and a bit mentally sluggish, my skin broke out, and I came down with a bad cold. Was the cold coincidental? I really don’t know, but I can say that I hadn’t been sick at all in the previous 5 years. I also had a tough time fighting it off, and the cold remained for the next two weeks, which is pretty unprecedented for me. So somehow I think the detox put added strain on my immune system. But I continued to tough it out and lost 3 more lbs during the second week.

        Though the cold remained throughout week 3, I progressively regained my energy back. Each day got a little better, so by the end of week 3, I actually started to feel ok. Though I still was a little mentally sluggish, I noticed that I slept more soundly, recalled my dreams more, and just began to feel more healthy in general. I also noticed that I wasn’t “puffy” anymore; that is, my face, legs, ankles etc. seemed smaller and more defined, as I think my body rid itself of excess fluid and water weight. I no longer had to urinate in the middle of the night and could sleep an entire night without interruption. I also continued to lose weight, 3 more lbs during week 3.

        By week 4 I hit my stride, so that this lifestyle-change just seemed to be a part of my life; though it’s still early into the experiment, this seems to be just how I eat now. Also, I eat less; it doesn’t take as much food-volume to satisfy my appetite. My mental acuity has returned as well. I definitely feel like there is an extra spring in my step and a magnification of an underlying sense of well-being and healthfulness. To say that this completely revolutionized my life would be an exaggeration (though its only been one moon cycle), but at the same time, I do perceive a marked difference in the way that I feel. I just feel better; I don’t feel like there is “something missing” like I did at times before. Prior to starting this experiment, I by no means felt bad, but its just as if this has evened me out, so that instead of “roller-coastering” up and down between periods of fatigue and periods of energy, I just feel a constant and pleasant sense of well-being. And it’s the good kind of energy too, calm and constant, not manic and short-lived. Also, I lost 3 more lbs during week 4, for a total of 16lbs lost during the month, which I think is quite remarkable.

        I’ve realized that eating can be an act of magic, whereby the willful act of taking nature’s gifts into one’s body is invigorating and connects one to the universal wellspring of life- so that you can harness this life-force, using it to transform yourself into a better version of you. Eating can be an active thing, not just a passive thing where you avoid the bad, rather, you actively take in the good. I really do appreciate the article and can truly say that I plan to continue to eat this way indefinitely. In fact, this was so fun and successful, I’m going to go ahead and report back again in a month (just not as lengthy and detailed next time) to let anyone who’s interested know how this all has progressed after more time has passed : ) Hope this was helpful!

      • Just wanted to check back in like I said I would. Its been well over two months and I’m still continuing the mostly fruit diet and feeling better than ever; it really has changed my health, energy, and well-being for the better : )

        • Jarrod, that’s awesome to hear! Fruit really is the answer to most of our health problems. You should also notice your brain works better on at least 51% fruit 🙂 Keep us up to date on further progress.

          *After reading your second comment, ( I missed it), I’d have to say that the cold you experienced is all part of the healing process. You didn’t “catch” the cold. It was a direct result of the mostly fruit diet, which forces your body to get rid of all the gunk and toxins you’ve accumulated over your lifetime. Your body went into a ‘healing crisis’, because it said, “Oh, I’m finally getting the nutrition I need, I can go ahead and let go of all this crap I’ve been holding on to.” This is normal and healthy and OK.

          Thank you, Jarrod, for helping let the world know of the power of raw fruit. We’re primarily frugivores, now don’t be frugal when it comes to sharing this knowledge with others! 🙂

          • I’m happy to share : ) And I have been telling others. People have noticed that I look and feel better, so their comments provide a window of opportunity for me to tell them about the power of fruit.

            As you say, the increased mental acuity is a huge perk as well. I am a painter, and I’ve noticed a huge upswing in my ability to focus- I now spend hours without interruption on my art- it really does help everything- mental sharpness, focus, even increased will power to transform one’s self in other areas of life : )

  3. Pingback: Humans are Frugivores – We’re Designed To Eat Mostly Fruit | Creation Is Love

  4. Would a frugivore diet be beneficial for weightloss and clearing up insulin resistance, high bloodpressure, etc? I’m a women in my mid 30s, diagnosed with these issues as well as having low thyroid function and I am about 100 lbs overweight. My body hurts constantly and im just not well in general. I have tried lots of diets but really just want to find a lifestyle that naturally leads to better health and clearing up my health issues. No matter the diet I have tried from vegan to paleo, they all tell me to avoid fruit because it will make my body produce excess insulin and that my body will store fruit sugars as fat. It’s very confusing. Is the frugivore type diet only beneficial if you already slim and in fair health?

    • Hey Mandi, Thanks for writing in. Let me tell you, I know exactly how you feel. The ‘experts’ are always demonizing fruit sugar and equating it to the sugar found in other man-made foods. It’s not the same stuff, not even close. Our bodies actually run on simple sugars, so they are crucial, just as long as we are obtaining these simple sugars mostly from fruit and other whole foods.

      Fruit does not require insulin to digest. Watch this video about how they do a study on people’s insulin levels when they eat white bread as compared to when they eat white bread AND berries. They say the berries are supposed to spike the insulin even higher, but watch what happens, the insulin goes down.

      As far as blood pressure, and low thyroid function, this is mainly because you are eating the wrong foods. Once you begin to give your body what it requires, namely raw fruit, you’ll notice that not only these particular symptoms will go away, every other organ in your body will start to operate more efficiently, including your brain.

      I guarantee that if you add more fruit to your diet, especially in the morning ( I don’t eat anything but fruit till noon, the body is in a state of detoxing in the morning), that you will not only loose weight, but every aspect of your life will get better. I should add that I also eat fruit at night. I used to think that the ‘sugar’ in the fruit would keep me up at night, but as you’ll find, that is not the case at all.

      Be advised that at first, you may feel worse. This is because over the years our bodies build up and store toxins. The process of pushing these toxins out, by eating a lot of fruit, will at first be unpleasant, you may experience acne or energy loss, but this is only temporary, and soon you will feel like a million bucks.

      This video explains fruit sugar

      Try to give up meat, soy, dairy, gluten, and if you can’t just limit them. I love cooked and raw salmon and sweet potatoes, steamed veggies like cauliflower and broccolli. I eat probably 51% raw fruit and have for the past 5 years. At first I went from 205 lbs to 150. At 6 ft tall, I now hover around 155 lbs. I got rid of my periodic stomach and chest pains, gained energy, lost weight, and feel amazing.

      Good luck to you, Mandi. Take a picture of yourself today, and again in a few months and watch the transformation. Write back in with your results or any questions..

      Disclaimer: This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other health care worker. Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call your doc­tor immediately. Noth­ing con­tained in the Site is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. There is no better person to take care of yourself than you. Be well.

  5. Just had another thought…Lots of scienctist are saying that the reason humans have evolved and our brains have grown is because of the introduction of animal based foods. Some even say that if people returned to eating like the chimps then we will start seeing a decrease in brain size of our newly born and thus a sort of de-evolving process. What are your thoughts on this? As the mother of a new 1 year old I am wanting to find the proper diet for which to raise my son by for optimal health, I worry about him getting what he needs for proper brain growth.

    • Hey Nicole, Scientists say a lot of stuff. Personally I resonate with what I can verify myself, as well as what makes the most sense when we look at all the information before we make an assessment. Watch the video on the way fruit transforms your brain. When your son is off breast milk, try to always have fruit around and watch as his natural instincts will be to eat it, as long as he is taught that it is not bad, and all the other sugar nonsense gone over in this article. Use your own motherly intuition.

      Koala bears survive on leaves along while their bodies are pretty advanced evolutionary wise. The human body is incredibly advanced. It might be silly to suggest that in order for humans to survive, they would somehow require all sorts of different types of foods, instead of having the simple diet of every other animal on the planet.

  6. Hi Joe, I’m really digging your stuff on your site and Youtube but human frugivorism is a ridiculously silly notion. While I’m very much into ancient knowledge, electric universe, Kybalion, Esoteric Geometry & Natural Philosophy etc — I’m often dumbfounded how many otherwise open-minded, “wisdom-seeking” alt-thinking folks fall so easily in the vegetation-for-human-nourishment trap. It is helpful to begin this journey by asking what foods are “complete” for a species, ie. what are the foods that on any one of them alone, a specimen could thrive for decades of life. Think grasses for ruminants, bamboo for pandas, eucalyptus for koalas, etc. For homo sapiens, the only complete foods is meat (or eggs — a meat), any kind and nothing else will do for the rest of life. Owsley Stanley, the Grateful Dead soundman and Acid pioneer, was a semi-famous re-discoverer of this concept. Most native American tribes north of the southern agricultures lived on nothing but bison/buffalo for centuries until whitey wiped them out with targeted precision. They also never put berries in their pemmican, the white settlers came up with that ;D so to challenge and expand your nutriment horizons, enjoy at your leisure this 1h lecture “Homo Carnivorous” by Barry Groves: so long 😉

    • If you’re going to eat meat, the Weston Price Foundation has some good information. Nowhere in this article do I tell people to eat exclusively fruit. I just got back from Indian buffet a little while ago. But I’ve had great success eating 51% raw food, namely fruit.

      • White guilt? Lol you misunderstood me, I’m not one for white guilt.. I was talking about whitey targeting with intent and precision the BISON, not the Indians. Sheesh 😛 As the latter were holding their grounds well in warfare, whitey had to adopt a sneaky strategy of eliminating their traditionally near-exclusive food source (plants and fungi were for psychedelic or medicinal use), ie do something the former could neither predict nor even grasp. That’s beside the point (and I view this as interesting history only without having to “take sides” or anything), as for “hard to digest”, 75% of the human stomach surface produces hydrochloric acid, dissolves no cellulose but in an hour a stomach filled with fresh meat and nothing else into a liquid of bare nutriments readily absorbed fully into circulation in the small intestines. Eggs are famously 99.99% digested, next in line is fresh meat, raw or not (cooked meat only loses some-not-all water-soluble or heat-sensitive vitamins and denatures proteins, which stomach’s hydrochlorid acid, so less work needed, less meat needed compared to raw). Whatever little residue ends up in the colon (perhaps some gristle or such, together with MOST of ingested non-liquid plant-based foods) acts as normal fiber to be like all fiber either fermented into short-chain fatty acids or excreted in the normal course of nature. Finally yes meat is a complete food as evidenced by Owsley Stanley, most traditional pre-contact Inuit tribes, Masaai warriors, non-tropical ice age ancestors, etc. ANYWAY didn’t mean to proselytize 😀 just replying to your core answers and now keep up all the cool stuff and for a fresh look on meat there are more knowledgable geeks than me over at,5.0.html — so long, rock on =)

  7. Thanks for the really well researched and insightful article! I came across Shelton’s epic book ‘Human life – it’s philosophy and laws’ about 6 years ago and it had a very profound impact on my life and diet. I am really excited to see that others such as yourself have also discovered this largely suppressed and misunderstood material and are putting it out into the world.
    Keep up the awesome work!

    • Thanks Matthew, It was about 5 years ago for me, and I first came across this stuff through the work of Kevin Hinton, who advocates a system called Nature Cure, otherwise known as Natural Hygiene.

  8. I’d like the person above, foffoffo, to eat ONLY meat (as a complete food) and report back after a month Let’s see how it is after a year, .just meat— good luck!!
    There is eveidence that humans have been here for over 3 BILLION years. (Michael Cremo info, hidden knowledge of the human race), also that the Chinese & Egyptians were here before Europeans. IMO, we are fancy animals. We migrated with the seasons. Humans are not equipped for the cold.
    I don’t think we are meant to ‘kill’ anything – but rather humans are to be the caretakers. The Essene’s of long along didn’t kill anything. They are what nature provided without killing…ie: fruit , veg, plant life. They ate living food for a reason. Apparently they would not kill the plants but would take portions and allow the plant to live, and continue to produce .
    I LOVE dr. Morse. I believe he is on the correct path. We know very little of our true origins too bad the lib of Alexandrea was destroyed. Now who did that!! & why? 😉

  9. (Sorry for bad english)
    When I was a child, I started questioning myself, what is love? what is life?… haha, no. I started questioning, why vegetables had bad tastes, are we really meant to eat this?… so, I hated vegetables and started loving meat… after years, I started to realize that meat is good when it got sauces in it. So, I’ve been thinking that the sauce was the one that gives good tastes, not the meat. Then I think “Only fruits that don’t need to be cooked or be flavored”. After that, I made a theory that human should’ve been eating fruits only. I thought that only me who thinks like that. Then, I tried googling it, and I found a lot of article about it, and this is the best article I’ve found. Then, I started to talk about it with my friends, and as I expected, they laughed at me, all of them, no one even agreed with me. The disadvantage is I’m not expert at biology, I expert at math and physics, I tried to argued with my friends, my biology teacher, and of course, I lost in debate about this. Could you help me answering their questions?
    1. If we’re meant to eat fruits, like what apes and gorillas do, why apes and gorillas eat insects to get the protein? ~ My Teacher
    2. We’re evolved, dumbass. Look at your canine teeth! We got weapons too ~My Friend
    3. We don’t have cellulase enzyme to break the plant cell’s wall. ~ My Teacher
    4. Eating meats only is not good, and eating fruits only is not good too, you still need proteins. You can eat meats and fruits in 50:50 percentage ~My Teacher
    5. I’d eaten red meat (uncooked meat?), and it had good taste ~ My Friend

    That’s all what I remembered

    Btw, after I ate a lot of papayas, my hand and feet colour changed to be yellow. My mother afraid that papayas give bad thing to me. Even though nothing changes to me. I changed to eat bananas and mangoes now.

    • Hi There
      Thank you for your kind compliment.
      1. Different groups of humans may have evolved differently based on their geography. I don’t think we evolved from monkeys or chimps. We have similar diets as them, but we are different. It might be true that some humans are better suited to eating fruit in combination with other foods available at their region.
      2. Our ‘canine’ teeth are not really canine. They are not sharp, and they don’t stick out enough to be considered canine. They are for ripping open tough fruit I would think, or for crushing nuts and seeds(contained in fruit)
      3.Fruit is composed of simple sugars which is all our body’s require. We overcomplicate things. I don’t have a good answer for this.
      4. Fruit has tons of protein, and everything else we need.
      5. I’ve done so too. I didn’t hate it, but without the spices it is not very appetizing. If we do eat meat, it should probably be raw, and of very high quality, (the animal was healthy and loved it’s entire life, and died quickly and painlessly. (not Kosher, that is very traumatizing for the animal as it slowly bleeds out).

      Thank you for your interest. FRUIT IS THE KEY!!!!
      Joe Dubs

  10. Hi…

    Just to give my experience.

    I did a fruitarian about a year.
    I develop several issues, like brain fog, low sex drive.

    I ate 6 months fruit and veggies and more 6 months with only fruit.
    I had so much energy, but my brain enter in a collapse mode.

    I think we need other stuff besides fruit.

    A man called Mango was a strict fruitarian and he admit that he suffer some problems.
    Anne Osborne is a strick fruitarian, but i think she hasn’t good appearance.

    So watch out…

  11. Pingback: Make mead like a heathen

  12. Pingback: How To Heal – You Smell Bad

  13. You make a lot of assumptions in your favour; cherry-picking, almost (pun intended).
    I like that you’re dedicated, but the fact remains that i have yet to see definitive proof that we are not natural omnivores.

    • I have somewhat changed my views since I’ve written this article. It is not as simple as the title makes it out to be. With that said, I still think fruit is very healthy, and can be helpful to us especially if we are sick. It’s a great way to purge the crap out of our systems. I do not eat only fruit, or even mostly fruit anymore. It’s even more complicated since we all have different systems. (See my race article, )

  14. Just like how were not supposed eat meat, were not supposed to live freezing places like Alaska. We humans do nothing right.

  15. Certain humas are genetically modified . The only who arnt are black people . They should be eating a fruit diet.

  16. There is no scientific basis for your claim. Humans need protein, carbohydrates, and fats or they will die of malnutrition. Most fruits have very little protein. A modern day human could not survive on a diet of just fruit. Moreover, people living near the arctic circle eat almost no fruit and they are perfectly healthy living on a diet of fish, whale blubber, and seal. Humans evolved to live on a primarily flesh based diet when climatic conditions deteriorated during Ice Ages and nutritious plant foods and fruit became scarce. This dietary flexibility is what helped humans colonize most of the world.

    • The title of this article is badly worded. I don’t suggest that we should eat exclusively fruit, and the more time that passes, the more I learn. I do think that fruit can be berry beneficial in the healing process, which is what got me interested in diet in the first place. Today I eat meat, veggies, and a fruit smoothie 4 or 5 times a week. You make some good points, and in addition I would say that not all people are the same, race is a real thing, and not some social construct as the SJW type academia claims. THanks for the feedback.

  17. The cooking of meat has been around for more than 1 million years, that’s about 500,000 years longer than the existence of Homo sapiens. This fact leads me to believe that meat eating has benefited or partly lead to our current form through evolution.

    Also the fact that you mention that we have to cook meat is completely flawed because we don’t. There are some cultures that eat meat completely raw.

  18. Pingback: Isn’t killing a plant just as bad as killing an animal? – Veg Head

  19. Jarrod, How are you feeling today? Eating them avocados or what mate?!?!

  20. completely correct

  21. I started eating raw meat, and I didn’t die. Thanks for the link. I wish I paid more attention to it earlier. It does seem that humans are not primarily fruit eaters, but omnivores and raw meat seems like a perfect food with everything we need. There are no essential carbohydrates, yet we eat so much of them, including fruit. Veggies are not very healthy unless they are fermented it seems. Learning as I go, thanks for the info. I updated the article with a documentary by Sv3rige on the NWO Diet (the first anti-vegan docu)

  22. You’re right, we do need other things in our diet besides fruit. Fruit can be great for detoxing, but after a period of a few months I think it’s a good time to start adding animal products back into the diet. Vegans/Fruitarians/Vegetarians do not have enough cholesterol and fat in their diet and our brains are 1/4 cholesterol so this is important. It’s a dangerous move to go strictly vegan for a long period of time since your brain will lack what it needs to operate, and since people can’t think, they can’t dig themselves out of the hole they put themselves in. Veganism is a dangerous religion.

  23. Veganism is a dangerous religion??? Ha, where’s the science proving this? Vegans are literally the one and only positive thing left of mankind.. and that’s a fact 🙂

    • Fruit truth, I’m putting together an article now to answer your questions.

      I don’t agree with all the points made in this video , but it’s something to think about critically.
      10 Ways Vegans Are Ruining The World

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  26. It seems you’ve been co-opted. How can you change your mind so drastically? I haven’t watched what you posted, but I read your entire article and the comments. Vegan’s are ruining the world? Really? I was gong to suggest this article to a friend till I got to the end and saw all the anti-vegan propaganda. Animal Agriculture is killing the earth…..the climate and the human beings on the planet. How could you change your tune so drastically? I’m so curious!

  27. Okay, I watched the video, and I do agree that people eat too much quinoa and cashews, I have known of these issues for a while. But guess what, not only vegans eat these things. This is an industry issue, and needs to be addressed for sure, but again, it’s not just vegans. I know plenty of Paleo people who eat only quinoa for grains, and eat lots of cashews, cause they don’t eat dairy. And as for the nutrient issue in children, my son was raised vegetarian since birth. I have been vegetarian/Vegan for 20 years and feel amazing, super healthy, and look at least 10 years younger according to people who know me. So, my son was grown in a vegan mama’s body, nursed on a vegan mama’s milk, and then raised vegetarian with minimal dairy and is now mostly vegan. He is 15. He eats a whole food plant based diet, and he just had his blood tested. Guess what? His B12 was 702 (normal is 260-935), his iron was 157 (normal is 27-164, his Iron binding capacity was 370 (normal is 271-448, his complete blood count was normal and his Zinc was normal. He is extremely smart, received high honors in his first year of high school, he is strong and lean, happy with lots of friends, he’s not super tall, but neither are me or his dad, (height is in the genes….look at elephants, they eat plants but they are genetically slated to be huge). So, this vegan mama/child duo are not the sickly image I am hearing vegan haters speak of. And we both feel great that we are not contributing to the suffering of animals and the suffering of mother earth. Which brings me to my final point….Animal agriculture is worse for the environment and a larger contributor to climate change than the entire transportation sector! This is a fact! No one wants to admit that….corporate greed makes sure of that…..and while the quinoa and cashew industry do cause serious humanitarian harm and need to be seriously looked at (again meat eaters eat plenty of these things), raising animals for food produces (I repeat) more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation sector, is also the leading cause of rainforest destruction, species extinction, ocean dead zones and freshwater consumption. Food for thought…..peace.

  28. Hello there Joe,

    My name is Grace and I run a website that is dedicated to holistic, integrative wellness. I absolutely love this article and think the knowledge you are sharing is incredibly empowering!

    I was wondering if I could use your Comparative Anatomy Chart image for a blog post I am writing about developing a healthier relationship with food, appropriately cited of course! I feel this information would be valuable for people to be exposed to.

    Please let me know if this is ok and thank you for all you do!

    • Hi Grace, you can use it, but look closer into this article since it’s not all entirely accurate. Fruit can be a great change from the SAD diet…. for awhile, but eventually you will lack the essential fatty acids our bodies require that fruit and veggies lack.

      • Thanks for the response Joe! I appreciate it. Any citations or copyright info necessary? I typically post who created the image, if it’s licensed, and a source link.

        I agree! It’s absolutely true that our bodies need more than fruits and veggies alone can provide. Seeds, nuts, grains, and legumes and other land and sea plants can offer those lovely fatty acids to us in abundance!

  29. Pingback: RAW MEAT IS HARMFUL TO HUMANS , PETS , CATS , DOGS … – rawfoodexample


  31. The only reason we have to supplement with B12 is because the modern food system sanitizes our fruits and veggies, whereas in the past we would eat plants with traces of dirt containing the b12 bacteria. There isnt anything in animals that we cannot get from nature. Another is omega 3 which can be obtained from algea, flax seed and chia seeds.

    • I used to think the same thing. It’s all about availability. Meat has everything in it we need. We’ve been (m)eat-ing it for forever. And some of the fat soluble nutrients help absorb plant derived vitamins and minerals too! Fat makes you thin. Just do the opposite of what the doctor tells you basically! 😉

  32. «But can humans survive on fruit alone? for their entire lifespan? Can we live as vegans, or even vegetarians for the rest of our lives? Has any society ever lived without animals or animals products? Do even monkeys and chimps eat solely fruit and non-animal foods? The answer is a big NO!»

    That’s simply incorrect; not only can humans “survive” on fruit exclusively, but that’s the optimal human diet, and the only way to truly thrive. Your second statement is also fails to account for orangutans, which do indeed consume fruit exclusively when it’s abundant, such as during mast fruitings, eschewing all other foods, not even touching any leaves, flowers, bark, insects, or other things they consume when food is more scarce.

    Additionally, humans are the most specialized frugivore of all the great apes, even more so than orangutans. Eat some greens if you want, but it’s not necessary at all, and the human body functions far better on 100% fruit.

  33. Total nonsense. Anatomically modern humans (i.e. us, Homo sapiens) have consumed dead animal remains for something like ~100,000, a negligible blip on the evolutionary radar. In contrast, we’ve consumed fruit for tens of millions of years. Our physiology is still that of a frugivore, which I somehow got the impression that this article was about. Dead animal remains most definitely don’t contain everything humans need to thrive, and actually contain numerous compounds which are extremely harmful to humans in the long run. Dead animal remains are something humans historically consumed in order to avoid starving to death, and have since adopted into their cultures because it was one of the only reliable ways of acquiring sustenance for various stretches of time.

    This has zero bearing on what humans are physiologically optimized for, which is fruit.

    As for the notion that fat makes you thin, that’s just nonsense peddled by the people trying to justify their own bad habits.

    «Our data support the view that increased animal fat intake is associated with the presence of diabetes.»

    «Life expectancy was substantially and consistently shorter for the First Nations, Métis and Inuit household populations compared with the non-Indigenous household population across all time periods.»

    «Altogether, our findings demonstrate that chronic HFD [high-fat diet] feeding triggers hypothalamic myelin disruption in accompany with IL-33 upregulation and prolonged microglial activation in hypothalamus. Given that the addition of exogenous IL-33 was harmful for the maturation of OLGs, an increase in IL-33 by chronic HFD feeding might contribute to the induction of hypothalamic myelin disruption.»

    «Why can’t the brain use fatty acids for fuel?

    The answer to the question tells us something about the disadvantages of oxidizing fat instead of carbohydrate.


    The brain doesn’t oxidize very much fat because doing so is harmful, partly on account of increased production of superoxide, a substance known to injure cells. Mitochondria don’t work as efficiently when they contain large amounts of fatty acids.

    The brain is uniquely susceptible to problems of this sort because it has a very high rate of metabolic activity and cannot afford to let neurons die in the process. This high rate of metabolic activity also means that burning a substance, fat, that increases oxygen demand isn’t a good idea.»

    «Surprisingly, given the enthusiasm for LCHF diets in the media and from some professional commentators, we found that lower carbohydrate intake was associated with significantly greater odds of T2DM and higher HbA1c concentration. Higher adherence to conventional dietary recommendations (basing meals on starchy carbohydrates, lower fat and saturated fat contents, eating more fruits and vegetables) was associated with lower HbA1c concentration.»

    «Our data show that long-term KD [ketogenic diet] causes dyslipidemia, a proinflammatory state, signs of hepatic steatosis, glucose intolerance, and a reduction in β- and α-cell mass, but no weight loss. This indicates that long-term high-fat, low-carbohydrate KD lead to features that are also associated with metabolic syndrome and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes in humans.»

    • It depends on the race. We white people are the epitome of God’s creation and have not been around that long I don’t think. Evolutionary science is a moot point. Thank you for the links, some of them are quite interesting.

  34. B12 deficiency in health-conscious people who eat a plant-based diet is a complete myth; higher serum levels of B12 are actually associated with all-cause mortality, it is essentially a biomarker for disease, much like C-reactive protein, whereas levels of the harmful metabolites B12 helps to clear, like homocysteine, are actually lower in health-conscious vegans. It’s actually a total myth that humans need to consume exogenous B12 at all if their microbiome is functioning properly; it’s a common misconception that the gut flora only produces B12 too far down the intestines for it to be absorbed, but that’s been known for over 40 years to be false, it is synthesized in the small intestine right where the largest concentrations of intrinsic factor to absorb it is situated. The only prerequisite for this is cobalt, which has been found to be present in more than sufficient amounts in fruits through atomic spectroscopy.

    There is zero reason to supplement with B12 as long as you are eating primarily fruit.

  35. The human body synthesizes all the lipids it needs from carbohydrate substrates, there’s no need to consume exogenous fats at all. The notion that some fatty acids are essential is nonsense, and was originally cooked up as an attempt to explain why Inuits were healthy, yet we now know that Inuits are riddled with heart disease, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and a variety of other problems, and that they die at a very young age on average.

    A prime example of this is the brain, since cholesterol doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier, and the brain has to synthesize all its cholesterol from products of its energy metabolism (acetyl CoA to be specific). Its metabolism is based almost exclusively on glucose for a variety of reasons, which means that the brain is literally making all its cholesterol from sugar.

    Your brain is literally made from sugar.

  36. “Vegans/Fruitarians/Vegetarians do not have enough cholesterol and fat in their diet and our brains are 1/4 cholesterol so this is important.”

    Extremely ignorant. Like I wrote above:

    “A prime example of this is the brain, since cholesterol doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier, and the brain has to synthesize all its cholesterol from products of its energy metabolism (acetyl CoA to be specific). Its metabolism is based almost exclusively on glucose for a variety of reasons, which means that the brain is literally making all its cholesterol from sugar.

    Your brain is literally made from sugar.”

    None of the cholesterol you consume goes to making the brain at all, because cholesterol just doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier. This is a well known physiological fact. In fact, the rest of the cells in your body also make all of the cholesterol they need if they’re provided enough of their ideal fuel source, which they have a strong preference for: sugar.

  37. Hi Joe, Thanks foir mentioning Prof. Arnold Ehret of the Mucusless Diet and Healing System. He mentions eating fruit to speed up the detox and eating of veggies to slow it down since veggies process a lot slower than fruit. Also, in Genesis 1:29 man’s original food as given by God was “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;to you it shall be for meat.” Later in Genesis, after the worldwide flood, meat is allowed in Genesis 9:3, but not the blood, which is the life thereof”.. .

    • Thanks Carla, Here are some notes I have on this article, that I never got around to updating…

      In Genesis 4:2 “Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”
      God curses Cain, the vegetarian, and puts a mark on him so others will know who he is and that he is cursed. The descendants of Cain push vegetarianism and veganism as the moral thing to do -which is form of Phaisaism- and have more brain disease than any other people. A vegetarian diet does not allow the brain to function properly since it lacks the fatty acids a carnivorous diet provides.

      The features of the face, our physiognomy is formed just after the first month in the womb after conception. They are formed from “cranial neural crest cells”

      “Sonic hedgehog” is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SHH (“sonic hedgehog”) gene.

      “Two distinct mechanisms have been identified to account for the loss of Shh. Ethanol has been shown to decrease shh at the protein level, through its suppression of cholesterol ester pools. As shown for the gastrulation-stage zebrafish embryo, this decreased availability of cholesterol esters pools reduces the substrate availability for the covalent esterification of the nascent N-terminal shh protein, which is necessary for the protein’s membrane association and shh signaling Increasing cholesterol-ester pools through exogenous(originating from outside an organism [includes diet]) means enhances shh activity” (Neural Crest Development in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)

      DPES: Early Embryonic Facial Development
      Ever wonder how the intricacies of the human face are formed? This informative video, produced by the Information and Instructional Services Department at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, embarks on a journey through the very beginnings of life – when the human face is formed.

      “Frontonasal promenence”

      Cholesterol is found in every cell of your body. It is especially abundant in the membranes of these cells, where it helps maintain the integrity of these membranes, and plays a role in facilitating cell signaling. Cholesterol Helps Secure Important Proteins in the Membrane

      The central nervous system accounts for only 2% of the whole body mass but contains almost a quarter of the unesterified cholesterol present in the whole individual.

      The lack of cholesterol and saturated fats, which dates back to Cain, might be partially responsible for:

      1: an eagle like (aquiline) physiognomy.
      2. The reason why some people have a much higher occurrence of brain disease, like Tays Sachs for example. Since they lack these essential fatty acids need for proper cognition.
      “Vegetarianism is unnatural. This is not a modern finding. The Bible gives us evidence of this, and clues that vegetarianism was not regarded with favour. In Genesis , Chapter Four, Eve bears Cain and Abel. ‘And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.’ That ‘but’ in the middle of the sentence is the first clue to disapproval. This disapproval is confirmed by verses three to five. Abel and Cain bring offerings to God: Abel of his sheep and Cain, the fruits of the ground. God, we are told, had respect for Abel’s carnivorous offering, but He had no respect for Cain’s vegetarian one.”

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