The HoloCough of 2020: Global Panda-monium From Kung Flu

We are currently being inundated with a torrent of propaganda specifically designed to drive fear in the hearts and minds of the global population. But are the precautions we’re taking warranted, or is it all smoke and mirrors? We’re living in a state of panda-monium; the Kung Flu is the Holocough of 2020, but we will soon find out -after all the hype and hysteria- it’s more about a means of control and economic dissolution than the spread of disease. Read through some of these studies and statistics to get a better grasp of the fear-porn being spoon-fed to you. Over 80,000 Americans Died of the Regular Flu in the Winter Season of 2017-2018 “Influenza was deadlier last season than it has been for at least four decades, killing 80,000 Americans. So said the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Adamic Awakening: Discovering Our Forgotten Identity

Adamic man has forgotten his story.  Revised history has taken us for a ride.  We’ve lost our identity whilst we are literally the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. But there is of late a Caucasian consciousness – an Adamic awakening taking place. We’re starting to remember our past, and in return we influence our future. On the Expansions of Dan via Adamic Awakening Following consistent pressure from the Philistines, the tribe decided they’d relocate their territory and moved to the northeast reaches of the Israelite oikumene, conquering the city of Laish and taking it for their own (renaming it as Dan; Tel-Dan of archaeology). The rest of their fate parallels that of the rest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This is the core narrative of Dan’s story in the Scriptures. Now let us see what blanks can be filled in from other contemporary historical…

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Tobacco: The Other Side of the Story

We all know for a fact that cigarettes cause cancer. It’s not even a debate. And everyone knows that nicotine is bad for you and tobacco causes lung cancer, right? Well, we’ve been smoking tobacco for thousands of years.  Yet only recently have we added all these additives and chemicals, which begs the question… Does tobacco cause cancer? Or is it the chemicals that cause cancer, and not the tobacco itself? This is the other side of the story Does Tobacco Cause Lung Cancer? Dr. Victor Buhler, Pathologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Kansas City: “I have examined thousands of lungs both grossly and microscopically. I cannot tell you from examining a lung whether or not its former host had smoked.” (link) Nearly 80% of people diagnosed with lung cancer now, in 2012, are non-smokers

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Spherical Refraction – The Magnetic Relationship Between Light and the Universal Shape

:by: Clay Taylor A principle question that arises in the study of geometry and the study of light concerns the behavior of light upon the sphere. The sphere itself is nothing less than the universal and perfect shape. It is in a way the first and last possibility of the great miracle of dimension- the one great marriage of singularity and infinity, the unification of polarity and the prime cause of the 3 base dimensions of triangulated space. It is at once a single point, a single surface and yet a container of infinite points. It is infinitely divisible, has complete curvature that expresses every angle and both convexity and concavity is built into it. Clearly, to describe its characteristics is to employ words that seem paradoxical and contradictory… It is by means of the sphere that man and his science may come to truly understand…

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Anticlimactic Climate Psyience

We are continually fed a torrent of propaganda for why humans are a plague to Earth, or why we are all going to die soon.  From Malthusianism, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 (Agenda 2030), to the Georgia Guidestones; the message is clear.  People are just the worst, but that’s okay because we’re all going to die soon anyway.  Talk about misguided ‘fear porn’.. Bill Gates admits that we need to lower the world population if we are ever going to get out of this mess.  But from decade to decade, the reason why people suck-at-life™ changes. The elite are cooking up new methods to scare us.  It doesn’t matter if it’s running out of fresh water, polluting the planet, or the deterioration of the ozone layer; their argument is inherently misanthropic.  Global Warming Climate Change is but their latest scare tactic. Maybe they learned –…

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Alternatives to Google Products – The Complete List

This guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for documenting alternatives to Google products. It has become one of the most popular guides on Restore Privacy and is regularly updated with new information. With growing concerns over online privacy and securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to Google products. After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy. More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to grow. But the word is getting out. A growing number of people are seeking alternative s to Google products that respect their privacy and data. So let’s get started. original article by: Sven Taylor of

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We long to be friendly with the people we find ourselves surrounded by, even when they’re short with us at times. We mimic other’s tendencies and opinions which are usually backwards. We see black for white, and white as black. We mistake honesty for bigotry, and chivalry as misanthropy. We see misogyny as terrorism but misandry as humanistic. And amid human cisgender garbage; we think that if enough people believe something, well… then it must be true. We go along with these preconceived notions of the world as a collective basis for our epistemological existence, but we’re biased as fπ∑k We do as we’re taught. W E  C O N F O R M  T O  T H E  N O R M   It’s easy to fit in when you’re like everyone else, which is exactly the point. In the long run my…

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Words Don’t Mean What They Seem

We interpret words through their exoteric meaning, and not in their true definition of origin. English is a language enshrouded in mystery; much like the origins of the people who developed it. The powers that be obfuscate history though the language in which its written down, so it’s up to us to dig ourselves out of this (w)hole of mental enslavement and rise above this subtle linguistic conditioning. Simply put; words don’t mean what they seem, and aren’t seen as they’re meant. Do you know what I mean? Well, let me give you a few examples. Sphere (n.) mid-15c., of Middle English spere (c. 1300) “cosmos; space, conceived as a hollow globe about the world, The Sphere is defined from within, from an inside perspective unlike a ‘ball’, which is defined from an outside observer. Sphere is in reference to the concentric transparent…

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