Open Borders: A Tool of Tyrants

by: Don Matesz “Again, the evil practices of the last and worst form of democracy are all found in tyrannies. Such are the power given to women in their families in the hope that they will inform against their husbands, and the license which is allowed to slaves in order that they may betray their masters; for slaves and women do not conspire against tyrants; and they are of course friendly to tyrannies and also to democracies, since under them they have a good time. For the people too would fain be a monarch, and therefore by them, as well as by the tyrant, the flatterer is held in honor; in democracies he is the demagogue; and the tyrant also has thosewho associate with him in a humble spirit, which is a work of flattery. “Hence tyrants are always fond of bad men, because they love to be flattered, but no man who has…

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Pizzagate Part IV: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can…

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The Frankfort School: Cultural Revolution

For some time now it has been apparent to me that our culture has taken a shift, and not necessarily in the right direction.  In fact I can say without pause that our society has taken a turn for the worse; our mores and values have become inverted, seemingly to the point of no return. But why, and how? What is the origin of this cultural revolution? The following is a study which first appeared in a publication in Paris, France.  Originally written in French in 2001, it was translated into English a few years later.  After having read this you might better understand just how our world has been turned upside down. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Isaiah 5:20 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that…

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Old Movies Warning US About Communism

In the nineteen forties and fifties a constant surge of movies came out warning the public of the communistic infiltration of America. The following are some of these films, most of which are available to watch for free on youtube, which warned us of this upcoming invasion. “1950s science-fiction films have been notoriously interpreted as allegories about the fear of Communism that was rampant throughout the politics of the decade. There are a number of fascinating examples where the Reds Under the Bed scare was made overt and Red Planet Mars is the most notorious of these. Other examples include The Whip Hand (1951) about a small town housing a Communist fifth column planning to unleash a deadly virus; Invasion USA (1952) about a Russian nuclear attack on the USA; The 27th Day (1957), which had an alien race giving five people each a…

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A Guide to Political Discourse at the Dinner Table

by Aedon Cassiel As a philosophy buff, I can admit that a great deal of “philosophy” is irrelevant in most practical terms for most people’s actual lives—even for the way that they think and argue and reason. For example, one of the first things we’re given in Philosophy 101 is a list of fallacies of logical reasoning. It includes something called the “ad hominem fallacy.” Ad hominem translates to “against the person,” and it refers to “a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.” To really get anywhere useful with this, what we’d have to do next is try to decide on some principles to use to determine whether a fact about the author is “irrelevant” or not. For example,…

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Fiat Current Sea: Maritime Money

Our currency is like current in the sea The stream ebbs and flows, directed by the banks on either side The river-banks control the current; but the money-banks control the currency This is why our ‘cash flow’ is a ‘liquid asset‘ ‘Liquidity’ is literally available current-sea Water is a metaphor for money We use marine and aquatic vernacular to generically describe financial terms every day without even realizing it. When we make a lot of money, we make barrels of it. But if we are broke, we’re in deep. We’re drowning in a sea of debt. Or maybe we’re in hot water.  Our bank accounts have dried up. But the economy can be tough, and we’re often just trying to stay afloat or keep our heads above water.  (above) The Black River Bank of Watertown, New York was established in 1844 and ran until 1864…

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Peak Petroleum, Abiotic Fossil Fuel: A Bone To Pick With The Oilagarchs

We’ve been trained to believe that petroleum is a fossil fuel. It’s supposed to have been generated over millions of years from the remains of dead organisms that were buried beneath sedimentary rock long ago.  There’re only so many of these ‘fossils’ left, therefore they say, we’ll eventually run out.  This is what ‘peak oil’ is all about, and it’s absolutely ludicrous. As the story goes, since there are only so many dinosaur bones, zooplankton, algae and other decayed biological matter from long ago; there is only so much oil.  This is good news for the ‘oilagarchs‘ since they can create artificial scarcity and raise the price due to the supposed lack of supply.  This happened in the 70’s for those old enough to remember. But what if this wasn’t the case? What if oil isn’t a so called fossil fuel, but simply a product…

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Covert Communism in Marxist ‘Merika: Red October, White & Blue: 100 Years In The Making

Today (November 7th, October 25th of the old Julian calendar) marks 100 years since the Russian Bolshevik Revolution began.  Otherwise known as Red October, this aptly named movement is responsible for the bloodshed of around 100 million lives.  Communism, Marxism, Bolshevism, whatever you want to call it, this false ideology is to blame for the pain, suffering, and death of so many innocent people. Never in the history of the world has there ever been a more deadly movement.  Yet Marxism is taught in schools today as if the professors have no recollection of history. The ultimate evil that is communism sails under the guise of altruism.  As Solzhenitsyn put it, “In order to do evil, [one] must first believe that what they are doing is good.” It’s been a hundred years since Red October, named after the communist Red Army that fought the White…

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