Pentagrams of Pederasty: The Elephant In The Room: Pedogate Part 2

A few months ago something called Pizzagate happened.  If you’re not already familiar, watch this short video by news anchor Ben Swann.

Ben disappeared from all his social media for a long time.  Now he is back(update).

This article is going to be Part Two.  If you haven’t already, check out Part One, The Ping Pong Pizza Pentagram.

The Pizzagate Wiki

Last week I found these two pictures on 4chan.

An anonymous person on 4chan found a large inverted pentagram in the layout of Washington D.C.

The red lines are actual streets, and the yellow is line of sight.

Another coincidence he found, is that the yellow line of sight extends right to Comet Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, and the other establishments involved in this conspiracy. The other two lines of sight, pictured in red below, point to yet another suspect that should be investigated, The C.H.I.L.D Center. Their logo is extremely suspicious to me.

The green lines are actual streets.  In red, is the line of sight.   In green, Connect-icut Ave ‘connects’ the White House at the bottom, to Dupont Circle (in magenta), and all the way up to Comet Ping Pong at the top left.  Not only that, but the red line of sight, which starts at the bottom right at Mt. Vernon Square, passes through Logan Circle, and directly connects to Comet Ping Pong and the other establishments.

The other two red lines pass up to and connect to a place called The C.H.I.L.D. Center. Take a look at their logo and compare it to known pedophile symbols provided by the F.B.I.

In the middle of the picture above is the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  If you overlay the eye found on the pyramid on the dollar bill’s great seal, it’s located right on the pupil.

Below: The White House Pentagram consists of five points, starting at 1 o’clock and going clockwise; Logan Circle, Mount Vernon Square, The White House, Washington Circle, and finally at the top left, DuPont Circle.

As I mentioned in part one, Dupont Circle and Logan Circle are literally the gayest neighborhoods in the United States of America.  The reason I mention this is because I believe there is an agenda to turn us homosexual so we don’t reproduce, and thereby decrease the population.  Bill Gates openly advocates this in his speech.  This is just one of the many reasons why the NWO agenda supports homosexuality.

Are Masons using their power and influence to try to spread homosexual “values”? In the following enigmatic words, Pike seems to be saying that Masons engage in homosexual oral sex. He states that an initiate “commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life….Hence the significance of the phallus.”7 As is his wont, Pike does not explain these words. For example, he does not spell out what he means by “this mysterious passion.” But elsewhere in the book he twice notes that phallic worship is a part of their “Ancient Mysteries.” –

The Egyptian Masonic obelisks are obviously phallic.

This is why the all-men fraternity known as Freemasonry “erect” monuments.

Here’s a quote from Masonic author Carl H. Claudy: “The real secrets of Masonry are never told, not even mouth to ear. For the real secret of Masonry is spoken to your heart, and from it to that of your brother [Mason]. Never the language made for tongue may speak it; it is uttered only in the language of the eye, in those manifestations of that love which a man has for his friend, which passeth all other loves, even that of woman.” Note those last four words.

Not too long ago, homosexuality was considered taboo.   It was correctly looked down upon by society, since it was unhealthy for society.  It wasn’t so called ‘hate speech’ to point out the numerous problems associated with it.

In just ten or fifteen years the majority might recognize people such as myself has hate-mongers when I espouse my fact-based stance on pedophilia and pederasty, just as most of you reading this today probably think I’m a hate-monger when I talk negatively about homosexuality.  The conditioning is very deep, and the normalization of pedophilia has already begun.

‘The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not homosexual love is ridiculous.’’ (‘‘No Place for Homo-Homophobia,’’ letter to the editor, San Francisco Sentinel, March 26, 1992.)

“Sex Before 8 Or It’s Too Late” (North American Man-Boy “Love” Association)

“If I was a father, and I had teenage boys, I would not bring them around my gay friends. I would not bring them around any gay adult that I knew” -Walter Lee Hampton II (an honest gay black man)

This is the elephant in the room everybody is afraid to address.  This is why Alefantis, and the vast majority of child molesters are homosexuals.  They go hand in hand.

There are really really good reasons why the Bible talks down upon these degenerate behaviors, but these truths have been kept hidden from us.  When someone such as myself brings these truths to light, well they are just considered ultra-religious, out of touch, and don’t live in the ‘real world’.

The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study. (The National Library of Medicine)  (backup)

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?  

The Ping Pong Pizza Pentagram

PedoGate Part 1


PedoGate Part 2

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 PedoGate Part 3



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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.

One Comment:

  1. It would not surprise me one bit that the larger pentagram which is a scale up of the totally deliberate L’Enfant plan original, incorporating the Vice Presidential Mansion and also the White House, was also planned consciously by a covert homosexual side rite of ‘Freemasonry’ (such as Typhonian Order, higher level O.T.O., which actually has homosexual initiation rites reserved for men only, or some other A:.A:., practicing occult fraternity tied up with specifically the deep-state intelligence community).

    Checkout the info on this link regarding the original 11th degree (XI) in Crowley’s OTO, which required an unbroken ‘ordination’ chain of anal homosexual intercourse originating with Aleister Crowley himself: … catholic Bishops have to have an unbroken ordinal chain from St Peter himself, and Crowley actually reworked this principle as requiring a homosexual anal penetration sex magick ritual initiation for leaders of his O.T.O., organizational genealogies — some of which shun this aspect now (so they say).

    Most well known OTO claimant organizaions attempt to sell themselves as gender equal, initiating females which are used for the lower level sex magick rites, but in the original OTO after Crowley reworked it, it was intended that only homosexual or bisexual males would inhabit the higher (or 11th) degrees in the power structure.

    It would seem to me that the females are allowed entrance merely to be used as bait to attract horny disenchanted males to the cult, who are then goaded into increasingly promiscuous and degenerate behavioral environments, no doubt at some point involving also sex with progressively younger children … not to mention sacrificial blood rites imitating Canaanite Moloch worship. Crowley openly practiced adult and child nudity at his ‘Abbey of Thelema’ on the island of Sicily during the years of Mussolini (before El Duce kicked him out of Italy as a subversive). It is documented that he allowed and advocated children to observe sex acts that took place at the ‘Abbey’, including bestiality.

    Anything that is explicitly stated in the Judeo-Christian tradition to be vile in the sight of the Lord, is considered ‘holy’ in Thelema, so I guess we can take our pick as to which particular abominable practice would be considered by the highest degrees to be of especial ‘power’ during a sacrificial and/or sex magick ritual.

    That C.H.I.L.D Centre business looks super suspicious. It should definitely be highly scrutinized.

    I wrote a bit about the 77 and Double-Seven (Thelemic) aspects of the D.C., Pentagram in a previous post on my blog: … when or where Thelema became dominant in higher level power circles within the Scottish Rite is anyone’s guest, but it has definitely occurred at some point. Checkout the info on that link between the Georgia Guidestones and the Thelemic Calendar signature that proves the provenance of the 77 signature as being deliberately Thelemic.

    In this context, it is also telling that AA77 (American Airlines flight 77), in the official narative of 9/11, was flown into the WEST SIDE of the Pentagon, ‘breaking’ it, just as the westernmost leg of the DC Pentagram is missing its 15th and last link. AA is the official cult of Aleister Crowley (Argentum Astrum = Silver Star = Sirius), and the especial number of B.A.B.A.L.O.N visible on the Seal of the AA is the number 77 (Double Sabbatic, for the so called ‘Sabbatic Goat’; known as Baphomet to left hand pathers).

    Good post as usual Joe.

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