Square the Circle with Earth and Moon

Square the Circle with Earth and Moon

Square the Circle with the physical sizes of Earth and Moon

When we compare the size of Earth and Moon strange geometric synchronicities appear. The most fascinating of all is the ancient philosophical concept of ‘squaring the circle‘, that is drawing a square with the same area as that of the circle. You can also ‘square the circle’ with equal perimeters, which is what the Earth-Moon system do, to a very high degree of accuracy (99.97%).

The Earth and Moon’s diameters can be described as a simple ratio, 11:3, when comparing one to another. It turns out that this ratio is the solution to ‘squaring the circle’ (of equal perimeter).   The Moon describes a circle that has the same circumference as the square’s perimeter that surrounds Earth. This fact was discovered or rediscovered by the late and great John Michell.

The magic number found in these geometries is 273, or more specifically 2732.  I believe this is an overlooked constant in our matrix of reality. Here are some findings on this number.

  • The ratio of Earth’s diameter to Moon’s diameter is 0.273.  (The moon is 27.3 % the size of the Earth).
  • Comparing a square’s perimeter to a circle having an equal circumference, the circle’s diameter is 27.3% longer than the edge of the square. (easier to visualize in the illustration).
  • Inscribe a circle inside a square.  The four corners make up 27.32% of the total area.
  • This is reached through the formula: (4 – pi) / pi = 0.2732
  • The relationship  of  the Great Pyramid’s  height to half its base is 1.273:1 (or 4:π) and thus ‘squares the circle’.
  • -273.2 degrees Celsius is the temperature of Absolute Zero.
  • 27.32 is the freezing point of water on Kelvin scale (K).
  • Absolute zero of water is 273.2% colder than the temperature it takes to boil.
  • 273 days = average length of pregnancy (10 sidereal months).
  • 27.3 days = human menstrual cycle.
  • 27.32 earth days is the sidereal period of the moon (moon completes one full rotation, one ‘moonth’).
  • 1/273.2 per C is the expansion/reduction of gas (Gasses expand by 1/273 of their volume with every degree on the Celsius/centigrade scale).
  • Sunspots  revolve   about  the  Sun’s  surface  in  27.3  days.
  • Water  changes  phase  at  273°K.
  • 273  days  from   the  summer  solstice  to  the  vernal  equinox.
  • 2,730,000 is the circumference of the Sun in miles.
  • The triple point of water is defined to take place at 273.16 K.
  • The Cosmic Background Radiation is 2.73 K.
  • The Earth and Moon orbital periods are reciprocals.  1/27.32 = 0.0366 (366 days in a sidereal year) (1/366 =.002732) 27.32 days in one ‘moonth’.
  • 273 m/s2 = acceleration of the Sun.
  • .273 cm/s2 = acceleration of the moon along its path around the Earth.

The square and circle, or in 3-d, the cube and sphere, are key concepts in the teachings of Walter Russell, whom Walter Cronkite declared to be “The Leonardo Da Vinci of our time”.  I encourage others to contact me if they find any other correlations with these basic geometries.

It’s also interesting to note that 2732 – 2372 (its palindrome) = 360 which is a superior highly composite number, meaning it has a ton of divisors.  360 is also the number of degrees in a circle.

We have Scott Onstott to thank for many of these findings. His website SecretsinPlainSight.com is a mind bender and is highly recommended.

Fred Cameron and Adri de Groot also reveal cracks in the matrix of our holofractal reality, using this overlooked constant.

Our Impossible Earth and Moon (27.3 pages long)

Are All Those Numbers In Our Solar System Just A Coincidence?

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Joe Dubs

I write about philosophy, geometry, health, politics and other stuff that interests me.


  1. Hello fellow traveler. If you really want to have your mind blown, checkout the relationship between this Moon-Earth ratio, and the Human Cubit vs. Human Height ratio.

    I blogged about it HERE: https://aamichael666.com/2015/02/22/666-her-name-was-removed/
    … but it is best represented using this graphic: https://aamichael666.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/the-cubit-and-mankind-made-in-image-of-god-earth-moon-ppp-pyramid-666.png
    … and the distance between the 6x6x6 Moon, is 666 of the same units from the orbital center of the Earth-Moon system: https://aamichael666.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/earth-moon-system-orbital-architecture-700-day-moon-distance-graph-and-earth-moon-solar-666-connection.png

    God, it seems, is quite the Architect 🙂 The microcosm (Man) is a reflection the macrocosm (Universal symphony including planetary structures, which seem to be tuned to the platonic solids).

    Nice Blog !

    • Thank you brother Michael, some very interesting stuff indeed!
      Ya know, I think NASA IS pulling our leg, since it is 2016, which is really 666 + 666 + 666 +6+6+6 A.D.
      The moon’s equatorial diameter, at least to liebag NASA, is, to 99.99% accuracy, 6! + 6! + 6! miles across.
      They’re totally full of shit.
      It’s the same size as the moon in the sky

  2. Pingback: Synergistic Mathemagics in the Solar System

  3. András Szentpétey

    Pretty amazing !
    Check the ingenious Clay Taylor’s observation as well:

    Note that the artificial origin of the Moon is highly likely.


    Plus the SATURN – SUN – MOON ancient – 9 based – Vedic Magic Squares connection (Saturn is the higher octave of the Moon)



  4. András Szentpétey

    Great job thank you Joe !

    Check also the brilliant research of Clay Taylor about PHI scaling angle 27.3 degree:


    Also note western alchemy’s planet’s magic squares SATURN – SUN – MOON connection referring to TESLA’s favourite 3-6-9 connection.


    The same thing in ancient Vedic knowledge:


    Also note that the Moon ‘s 28 day cycle is a harmonic of the Saturn’s 28 year cycle.
    Adding the fact that the moon is artificial object David Icke’s suggestion of the Saturn matrix is pretty likely.



What do you think?