Cosmic Proportions

Earth Moon and Phi

The physical sizes of Earth and Moon are encoded into the proportions and measurements we commonly use in our daily lives.  From Renaissance artists to 21st century school teachers, we all use these cosmic proportions.  Very few are cognizant of their underlying meaning. If our Moon sat directly tangent to Earth, these are the proportions that arise.  The circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square to 99.97% accuracy according to NASA’s own data. The Great Pyramid’s dimensions can be broken down to 7 high, and 11 across.  The perimeter of the base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the pyramid. The Moon and Earth can be summed up amazingly well using the numbers 3 and 11.  Maybe that punk rock band understood these sacred geometrical concepts and hid it in their name.

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NINE : The Ultimate Mystery

Enneagram G.I. Gurdjieff

Revolution 9 by The Beatles Nine holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base-10 reality.  Nine is the largest number in the decimal system.  Nine is really the largest number of all, as every other number thereafter is a reflection of the Ennead, expressing itself in scalar expansions and contractions of 10. 10 is not a number, but more of a concept, or you could say it’s Nature’s way of organizing herself.   The Pythagoreans considered there to be only 7 numbers in reality.  Unity and duality, 1 and 2, were not considered numbers.  Numbers began at three and ended at the most auspicious of all, NINE. Go to Nine is Space and Time Ancient mathematical philosophers called NINE the “finishing post” and “that which brings completion”. – Michael Schneider – ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe’ Ten is the combination of something…

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The Great Pyramid of Giza

Some claim that we have the technology to build a replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza today, while others suggest the intricate detail, being so far advanced, is impervious to the consciousness of modern man.  Our hubris blinds us to the possibility that the Ancients were far more developed than we are today.  Sure, we may have iphones and nanotechnology, but the ineffable brilliance and extreme precision attained by the Ancients through their architecture is still unattainable for experts in 2015. The golden proportion is found throughout the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The picture above shows a few ways phi and phee are encoded into its structure. As we will see Pi is also found in the measurements of this magnificent giant.  Mainstream academia dismisses these findings since they are not 100% accurate.(They are 99.9+% accurate).  Little do they know that 100% precision is unobtainable…

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