Statins Starve The Brain: Cholesterol Correlated Cognition

Statins stealthily strain and starve the brain leaving us stuck in a stupendous stupor; statins make us stupid. Alliteration aside, cholesterol is clearly correlated with cognition, since our Central Nervous System (the brain) stores a quarter of our body’s cholesterol, despite being representative of only 2% of our body’s mass. “The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat.” Statins are drugs that lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is ostensibly the cause of heart disease, and since heart disease is the number one cause of death -save for iatrogenesis or deaths caused by allopathic intervention– cholesterol lowering drugs are arguably the most prescribed and profitable drugs in the universe. The statin drug called Lipitor was the singular most prescribed drug between 1996-2012 with sales of over 140 million. The second most popular prescription drug Plavix, another heart medication, didn’t even come close with about 74 million…