Predictive Programming: Perception Management & Psychological Warfare

Predictive programming is a form of perception management used to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by the global elite. When these events occur, the public will already be acclimated and accept them as ‘natural progressions’ , lessening any possible public resistance, as to make it easier to swallow their blue pill.  Predictive programming in the media -particularly in movies and tv shows- is a subtle form of mind control, perception management, and psychological warfare waged upon the sleeping and susceptible masses.   9/11 Back to the Future Predicts 9/11  in 1985 Fight Club Predicts 9/11 in 1999 Watch this video here: More examples in tv and movies: 9/11 Predictive Programming (Compilation Of Cartoons & Movies With 9/11 Subliminals)   The Titan(ic) Written in 1898, the novel “The Titan” eerily predicts the aftermath of the voyage of the famous…

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The HoloCough of 2020: Global Panda-monium From Kung Flu

We are currently being inundated with a torrent of propaganda specifically designed to drive fear in the hearts and minds of the global population. But are the precautions we’re taking warranted, or is it all smoke and mirrors? We’re living in a state of panda-monium; the Kung Flu is the Holocough of 2020, but we will soon find out -after all the hype and hysteria- it’s more about a means of control and economic dissolution than the spread of disease. Read through some of these studies and statistics to get a better grasp of the fear-porn being spoon-fed to you. Over 80,000 Americans Died of the Regular Flu in the Winter Season of 2017-2018 “Influenza was deadlier last season than it has been for at least four decades, killing 80,000 Americans. So said the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Adamic Awakening: Discovering Our Forgotten Identity

Adamic man has forgotten his story.  Revised history has taken us for a ride.  We’ve lost our identity whilst we are literally the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. But there is of late a Caucasian consciousness – an Adamic awakening taking place. We’re starting to remember our past, and in return we influence our future. On the Expansions of Dan via Adamic Awakening Following consistent pressure from the Philistines, the tribe decided they’d relocate their territory and moved to the northeast reaches of the Israelite oikumene, conquering the city of Laish and taking it for their own (renaming it as Dan; Tel-Dan of archaeology). The rest of their fate parallels that of the rest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This is the core narrative of Dan’s story in the Scriptures. Now let us see what blanks can be filled in from other contemporary historical…

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