The History of Infectious Disease by Stefan Lanka

Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of infection theory (English transcript) see also: Covid-19 is the new Mediaeval Leprosy: a Historical Comparison of Isolation, Religious Fervor and Medical Tyranny” The title of Lanka’s original video is “Grippepandemie und Tamiflu” copy here. Dokuments: klein-klein-media.deTranslation from German and original subtitled video credit: Sacha Dobler, AbruptEarthChanges.comMy name is Stefan Lanka, I am a biologist and virologist. I discovered the first virus, which was in the ocean. That’s how I became involved in this matter. First, I recognized that this virus doesn’t cause any harm. Secondly, the Austrian professor Fritz Pol alerted me to the fact, that something was wrong with the entire AIDS affair and the virus might not even exist at all. I checked this and realized, that was indeed the case. I thought this couldn’t be and I remained silent for half a year, for I assumed,…

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