Quicksilver & Gaia

Mercury Earth Music of the SPheres

The orbits of Mercury and Earth and be described in this way. Draw a square around the orbit of Mercury. Surround this square with a circle. Do the same and draw another square around this circle. On the four corners of this larger square, draw four circles with radii that reach the last circle you drew. One more step. Draw a large circle around the four smaller circles. You just defined Earth’s orbit to 99.9% accuracy. The other planets in the solar system also show geometric relationships.  Geometry is number in space, and Music is number in time.  The solar system echoes these fundamentals of the Quadrivium through their orbital periods, sizes, and distance from the Sun.  Kepler discovered that the planets’ orbits neatly fit inside of nested platonic solids.  He called this Mysterium Cosmographicum.  Pythagoras and his buddies called it the Music of the…

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Saturn and Neptune

Saturn and Neptune

The orbits of Saturn and Neptune can be displayed in this simple diagram. Inscribe an equilateral triangle inside the orbit of Neptune. Now fit three equally sized circles within that triangle. Add another one of these circles to the middle of the diagram and you just defined Saturn’s orbit to within 99.9% accuracy. Is this all really just a coincidence? Mainstream cosmology will tell us that it is all chance. Planets are made of matter that eventually, over millions of years, slammed together to form a mindless sphere. Is that all it really is? How did the planets know to organize themselves according to geometric shapes and platonic solids? It seems that the solar system and the whole universe itself is not this dead unconscious matter that we have been led to beLieve. “Geometry existed before the creation. It is co-eternal with the mind…

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Jove and Ares – Jupiter and Mars

Jove and Ares

Jupiter and Mars’ orbit can be shown in this simple diagram. If you draw a square inside of Jupiter’s orbit and then draw 4 circles on each corner of the square so they all touch, then you will have the orbit of Mars within 99.98% accuracy. This tidbit of gnosis was obtained from the book “A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System” by the brilliant John Martineau. Also check out the geometry in Saturn and Neptune. John Martineau interview – “Quadrivium – Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology”

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