Placebo, Nocebo, You Know?

We’ve all heard of the placebo effect, but many are completely ignorant of it’s polar opposite, the nocebo effect. Instead of getting better from a sugar pill as in the placebo, the nocebo is the exact opposite. Your health deteriorates because you were told it would. For example a witch doctor might cast a spell on somebody and because of this, they die. Their death would not be a result of any bodily impairment or black magic, but is due to the nocebo. Your mind convinces your body of something, and your body believes it and acts accordingly. “The body cannot live without the mind” – Morpheus Nocebo comes from the Latin word nocere which means ‘to harm’. Placebo is Latin for placere “to please”. “The medical establishment has been proving that the body can heal itself for over 50 years. We call it “the placebo effect,” and…