Cognitive Confusion & Brain Biases

We are all guilty of being biased at times; we believe what we want to believe.  We accept evidence that goes along with our worldview, and outright ignore evidence that contradicts it.  Some call this cognitive dissonance, but why do we reject information that counters our ideology? It’s because, basically, our brains are biased.  Coincidingly, cognitive confusion can be catastrophic when attempting to separate fact from fiction, frankly. Alliteration aside, let’s dig in..

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Logical Fallacies: Flaws in Reason (Your Argument is Invalid)

orphan murdered fallacy logic

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning.  It’s a hole in logic.  They’re used all the time in conversation when we try to argue a point.  In the attempt to persuade someone it’s easy to slip in a logical fallacy here and there.  We’ve all unknowingly used them. But that’s ok since we were never taught them in school. Logical fallacies usually go unnoticed, since most people don’t have knowledge of them.  The person using them often undeservingly wins the argument.  Unless, of course, you’re there to point out that their argument is invalid. Their use is particularly pervasive in the arena of media and government.  After reading this article watch some lamestream tv and see how many you can spot, whether it’s in a political debate, the rhetoric of a newscaster,  or on some mindless show like Oprah or Ellen. We’re surrounded by those who don’t understand the process of…

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The Seven Liberal Arts

Seven Liberal Arts 15

The seven liberal arts are the disciplines of study that the Pythagoreans taught in their mystery schools.  They’re the subjects or skills, that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to cultivate to gain a solid foundation of their physical reality. (Latin: liberalis, “worthy of a free person”) The Trivium is made up of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.  But not exactly in the sense of the words.  Grammar is information we gather, the “Who, What, When, and Where”.  Logic is the processing of that data and attempt to make sense of it.  It’s our reason and understanding.  Logic answers”Why”.  Rhetoric is the applying of knowledge to gain wisdom.  Rhetoric answers the “How”. The 7 Liberal Arts The Trivium:  (tri for three) Grammar (Who, What, When, Where) Logic (Why) Rhetoric (How) The Quadrivium (quad for four) Number Geometry (Number in Space) Music (Number in Time) Astronomy…

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