The Naive Vegetarian

There is . . . but one categorical imperative: Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law. –Immanuel Kant. (The Categorical Imperative.) via: Forms of vegetarianism Animal farming is an efficient use of land The British situation A fishy problem The killing of animals for food is not morally wrong We are not a vegetarian species Fossil evidence Fats and brain size Toxicity of raw vegetables ‘Homo carnivorus’ The diet revolutions The meat vitamin: B-12 Vegetarianism and militancy Vegetarianism — a form of child abuse But isn’t vegetarianism healthier? Vegetarianism and coronary disease Vegetarianism and cancer Vegetarians and tuberculosis Vegetarians and Alzheimer’s disease Vegetarians and salmonella How safe is soybean? Soy milk for children Soybean and cancer The vegetarian’s dilemma Vegetarianism and the environment Genetic modification for vegetarians Animals and the…