Trumping hilLIARy & r/K Theory

The day is fast approaching, but who are you going to choose? Aren’t they all the same? Isn’t politics a false dichotomy? Since when was picking the lesser of two evils NOT evil? Besides, my vote doesn’t count anyway, the system is rigged, the electoral collage, the polls, yada yada yada, blah, blah, blah. While it may be true that the left and right are two wings of the same bird, the Donald has changed all that. Running as a republican, he’s pissed off those on the right AND the left. He’s exposed the cuckservatives for what they truly are -puppets of their lobbyists and sponsors- playthings in the hands of the elite. Trump doesn’t have a puppet master, he’s his own self-made man. The liberal media hates him. The democrats hate him. The republicans hate him. The establishment hates him. Alarm bells should be going off. This might be the…