Square Roots & Stuff

Square roots. That sounds scary because there’s math involved. Well don’t worry, this stuff’s easy. Those scary numbers that look like √2, √3, and √5 are actually really simple concepts to understand. √2 or “the square root of two” is simply the cross section of a square when the sides equal one. The square root of five is the cross section of a double square. And the square root of three is the number formed by the vesica piscis. The square root of two is 1.414… because 1.414.. x 1.414.. = 2 1.732.. x 1.732.. = 3 So the square root of three is 1.732… 2.236.. x 2.236.. = 5 The square root of five is 2.236… The square root of one is one because 1 x 1 = 1 The square root of four is two because 2…