Adamic Awakening: Discovering Our Forgotten Identity

Adamic man has forgotten his story. Revised history has taken us for a ride. We’ve lost our identity whilst we are literally the ‘lost’ tribes of Israel. But there is of late a Caucasian consciousness – an Adamic awakening taking place. We’re starting to remember our past, and in return we influence our future. On the Expansions of Dan via Adamic Awakening Following consistent pressure from the Philistines, the tribe decided they’d relocate their territory and moved to the northeast reaches of the Israelite oikumene, conquering the city of Laish and taking it for their own (renaming it as Dan; Tel-Dan of archaeology). The rest of their fate parallels that of the rest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This is the core narrative of Dan’s story in the Scriptures. Now let us see what blanks can be filled in from other contemporary historical…