The Diet Deception: Vegetarianism Turns You into a Vegetable

“Eat your vegetables”, we’re told, “They’re good for you” they say. This is all we’ve ever heard from mom, dad, doctors, and nutritionists the world over. Fruits and vegetables are healthy and fat is bad. It’s as simple as that. If you disagree you are either unsympathetic to all those innocent animals that die for your insatiable thirst for dead flesh, or just plain dumb and don’t understand dietary science. The science is settled, meat causes cancer, cholesterol clogs your arteries, and fat makes you fat. Wait! Not so fa$t! Like much of what we accept as sacrosanct in the medical and nutritional world, economic factors often come into play, but that is another article entirely. Actually, most of what we’re taught, or should I say conditioned to beLIEve, is usually a 180 degree inversion of what is actually true. Meat does NOT…