The Truth Is a 180° Degree Perversion of what we’re led To BeLIEve

Everything’s opposite. Your nose runs while your feet smell. We park in the drive-way and drive on the park-way. We recite at a play, and play at the recital. We ship shipments by car and send cargo by ship. What is up is down. Doctors heal kill and democracy enslaves. Sunscreen causes cancer, not the Sun. Masks make you sick, not the virus. Diet coke makes you fatter than their original flavor. Nobody works on labor day, and gay people are not happy. Opposite Day – Andrew Bird – The Mysterious Production of Eggs (4:31) We’ve been tricked. Vaccines cause dis-ease, they don’t protect you. Mammograms are carcinogenic. Fate, it seems, is not without its sense of irony. Chemotherapy and radiation kill, not the cancer. Hand sanitizers makes us sick, not the germs. Liberals oppose freedom, and progressives hold us back. Everything we think we know to be…