Anticlimactic Climate Psyience

We are continually fed a torrent of propaganda for why humans are a plague to Earth, or why we are all going to die soon. From Malthusianism, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 (Agenda 2030), to the Georgia Guidestones; the message is clear. People are just the worst, but that’s okay because we’re all going to die soon anyway. Talk about misguided ‘fear porn’.. Bill Gates admits that we need to lower the world population if we are ever going to get out of this mess. But from decade to decade, the reason why people suck-at-life™ changes. The elite are cooking up new methods to scare us. It doesn’t matter if it’s running out of fresh water, polluting the planet, or the deterioration of the ozone layer; their argument is inherently misanthropic. Global Warming Climate Change is but their latest scare tactic. Maybe they learned –…