911 AnomaLies

September 11, 2001 forever changed the course of history. With such an important event, comes occulted symbolism in the form of number, chronology, and geometry, apparent anomalies that are embedded into the events of that day. Our Kabbalistic overlords believe number and geometry have power, so they encode this hidden understanding into the core of monumental historical events. 9/11 is no exception.  Let’s explore some synchronistic phenomena that happened on that dreaded day.. Exactly 60 years after ground was broke in the construction of the Pentagon, it was attacked.

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911: An Outside Job

When it comes to the attacks that shook the foundation of our country on September 11th 2001, there are two major camps of people out there.  Those who believe the official story, and those who suspect the attack was carried out by our own government. The latter insists that 911 was an inside job.  But were there foreign players -outside of the alleged Arab hijackers- that played a role in these horrendous attacks? And if so, why???

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