Peak Petroleum, Abiotic Fossil Fuel: A Bone To Pick With The Oilagarchs

We’ve been trained to believe that petroleum is a fossil fuel. It’s supposed to have been generated over millions of years from the remains of dead organisms that were buried beneath sedimentary rock long ago. There’re only so many of these ‘fossils’ left, therefore they say, we’ll eventually run out. This is what ‘peak oil’ is all about, and it’s absolutely ludicrous. As the story goes, since there are only so many dinosaur bones, zooplankton, algae and other decayed biological matter from long ago; there is only so much oil. This is good news for the ‘oilagarchs‘ since they can create artificial scarcity and raise the price due to the supposed lack of supply. This happened in the 70’s for those old enough to remember. But what if this wasn’t the case? What if oil isn’t a so called fossil fuel, but simply a product…