Reciprocal Gnosis

49 Octave of Light

Therein lies esoteric gnosis of the inner-workings of reality through analyzing the first principle of the Quadrivium, Number.  The reciprocals of the natural numbers reveal patterns that are visible only when we put on our goggles of decimal expansion and peer deep into the realms of numeric possibilities. The reciprocal of a number is simply one divided by that number. The reciprocal of 5 is .2 because 1/5 = .2  Conversely, the reciprocal of 2 is 5, because 1/5 = .2 This resembles patterns that arise is what is known as vortex based math.  The reciprocals of certain numbers reveal patterns that are easily recognizable at first, but then disintegrate into the apparent randomness. But it’s not random. There exists intelligence in the way nature operates.  With this reciprocal gnosis we can analyze the quality of Number itself and reveal order from ostensible chaos. The reciprocal of 49 (1/49) reveals binary numbers,…

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NINE : The Ultimate Mystery

Enneagram G.I. Gurdjieff

Revolution 9 by The Beatles Nine holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base-10 reality.  Nine is the largest number in the decimal system.  Nine is really the largest number of all, as every other number thereafter is a reflection of the Ennead, expressing itself in scalar expansions and contractions of 10. 10 is not a number, but more of a concept, or you could say it’s Nature’s way of organizing herself.   The Pythagoreans considered there to be only 7 numbers in reality.  Unity and duality, 1 and 2, were not considered numbers.  Numbers began at three and ended at the most auspicious of all, NINE. Go to Nine is Space and Time Ancient mathematical philosophers called NINE the “finishing post” and “that which brings completion”. – Michael Schneider – ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe’ Ten is the combination of something…

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Palindromic Squares

Palindromic Squares

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or number which reads the same backward or forward.  The squares of 10, 11, 12, and 13 fit the bill.  It breaks down after that since 15 squared is 225, and 51 squared is 2601. Why only these 4 or arguably 3 numbers? Does this give credence to the notion that base 10 is an innate numerical matrix to our reality? Did we invent the decimal system or did we observe patterns in the numbers themselves and organize them according to nature? What is it about ten that makes numbers so easily scalable and calculable? I found this gem in a book by Marty Leeds.  I added the ten squared to it.  It works of course if you put two zeros before the one on the right side.  It’s weird how this works for 10, 11, 12, and 13.…

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