The Eye of wRAth & Pharisaic Mysteries of Sixty-three Serpents

The Eye of Ra is a legend that goes back millennia.  Otherwise known as the Eye of Horus (or Thoth) these myths all describe a similar story that took place in ancient Egypt, or the black land Kemet, named for its rich black fertile soil.  The story is one of God’s wrath upon the wicked, and as we’ll see, the number sixty-three serves as an omen for what’s to come.  But don’t worry, the good guys win in the end, just as is prophesied. Horus was an ancient sky god whose eyes were said to be the sun and the moon. … An ancient myth describes a battle between Horus and Set in which Horus’ right eye was torn out and Set lost his testicles! Thoth magically restored Horus´ eye, at which point it was given the name “Wadjet” (“whole” or “healthy”). …According to one myth, Ra was becoming…

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Happy Pi Day!

great pyramid pi tau giza

Pi is the relationship between a circle’s circumference and its diameter. Tau is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its radius. Pi = 3.141592653.. Tau = 6.283185307.. It’s been argued that Tau is a better value to use, but today let’s just talk about Pi , since it’s Pi Day! This post is being published, and this website is being launched, on 3/14/15 at 9:26 and 53 seconds, mountain time. Pi = 3/14/15-9:26:53… Technically it is Gregorian Pi Day, since our months are all screwed up. In the 16th century Pope Gregory, in his infinite wisdom, decided to change their order.  This is easy to see since the etymology of half of the months clearly indicates this.  January is the first month but this wasn’t always so.  March is actually the first month of the year which makes sense as Earth renews itself…

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Squaring the Circle

Square the Circle

Squaring the circle is the age old problem of constructing a square with the same area(or perimeter) as the circle. Greek mathematicians attempted to solve this ancient riddle using a ruler and compass only. Due to the transcendental nature of π we can only approximate this geometry.  Earth, Moon, the Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge all encode this great philosophical quandary. Stonehenge encodes the squared circle through its bluestones, named so because when it rains they turn blue.  If we draw a square around this circle of stones it will have the same perimeter as the sarsen ring of stones on the very outside.  The ancients preserved esoteric gnosis in their sacred buildings as a way to ensure that the information would never be lost or occulted by the greed of mortal men. “ A tradition which has been credited by many learned men over the centuries is that…

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