Quicksilver & Gaia

Mercury Earth Music of the SPheres

The orbits of Mercury and Earth and be described in this way. Draw a square around the orbit of Mercury. Surround this square with a circle. Do the same and draw another square around this circle. On the four corners of this larger square, draw four circles with radii that reach the last circle you drew. One more step. Draw a large circle around the four smaller circles. You just defined Earth’s orbit to 99.9% accuracy. The other planets in the solar system also show geometric relationships.  Geometry is number in space, and Music is number in time.  The solar system echoes these fundamentals of the Quadrivium through their orbital periods, sizes, and distance from the Sun.  Kepler discovered that the planets’ orbits neatly fit inside of nested platonic solids.  He called this Mysterium Cosmographicum.  Pythagoras and his buddies called it the Music of the…

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Quicksilver and Gaia

Mercury Earth geometry

Delivering a swift blow to the accidental and nihilistic paradigm of existence, synchronistic correlations in the cosmos break the already crumbling model of mainstream cosmogony.  The physical sizes of Earth and Mercury (Gaia and Quicksilver) are in proportion to their mean orbits. Just another ‘coincidence’ to add to the akashic records of synchronicity… or reflective of an intelligent, creative, and loving cosmogonic principle, where we are not the result of some ‘big bang’ that sprang from nothing, for no particular reason, at no point in time (since it ostensibly created time) “ Where plants have five-fold patterns, a consideration of their Souls is in place. For patterns of five appear in the regular solids, and so involve the ratio called the Golden Section, which results from a self-developing series that is an image of the faculty of propagation in plants. Thus the flower carries…

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Mercury, Venus, Musica Universalis

Mercury and Venus Music of the Spheres

Mercury, Venus, Musica Universalis. The Music of the Spheres. The Musical Harmony of the Planets. Mercury makes beautiful music. If you’re on Mercury it takes two years to experience one day. This 2:1 ratio is what’s called the ‘perfect octave’ in music theory. It is also encoded into the geometry of a triangle. The circle inside a triangle is exactly one half the size of the circle outside it. Coincidentally (or not) the triangle also defines the orbital relationships between Mercury, and the next planet out, Venus. The perfect octave is the first harmonic interval followed by the ‘perfect fifth’ which is also extremely pleasant to the human ear. This 3:2 ratio is reflected in the temporal patterns of Mercury. Every two ‘years’, Mercury rotates on its axis three times, which suggests the concept of the ‘Music of the Spheres’ was meant to be…

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