Flower Power

The power in the flowers is generated by geometry, the second discipline in the study of the Quadrivium (Number, Geometry, Music, Cosmology). Before that is Number. Can you define a triangle without the certain ‘threeness’ that is embedded in its creation? This trinity develops the first shape in our reality. Maybe this is why the Pythagoreans thought that numbers began at three instead of unity. Four is the first number that models three dimensions. Think of a tetrahedron with its four points and four sides. Nature always uses the simplest and most efficient numbers and geometries when organizing itself. Geometry exists everywhere. Some of the most beautiful displays of nature’s intelligent design are encoded in the makeup of a flower. “In ancient Greece the advanced students of the philosopher Pythagoras who were engaged in deep studies of natural science and self-understanding were called “mathematekoi” “those who studied all.” ‘ The…