Vortex Based Mathematics: Numerically Conceptualizing Reality

Vortex Based Mathematics transcends our myopic quantitative understanding for the way Number operates in our holographic universe. Numbers are not just mere quantities. Each has its own unique quality, archetype, and behavior. Vortex Based Math (VBM) is the study of Number in and of itself. Numeronomy as opposed to Numerology. The bedrock of the Quadrivium, Number structures our conceptual waking reality. As Pythagoras once so aptly put it, “All is Number”. Number was not invented, but discovered. We use commonly agreed upon symbols to represent quantities. The symbol we use for one of something is 1, for two of something is 2, and so on. It’s not like we made up the concept of one and two, this is inherent in our reality. We merely assigned symbols to represent these universally conceptual understandings of quantity, which intrinsically contain quality. This study of number behavior is called ‘Numeronomy’ in contradistinction…