The Lost Center

The “lost center” describes the confusion of our time. Symbolically, but also in concrete scientific terms. A look up into the sky would be enough. The following are articles that have been translated from German to English for your reading pleasure. from our friend Philip Mikaswebsite | FB group | profile via: Auf zur Mitte – by Philip Mikas Reasons Earth Can’t Be Flat – Auf Zur Mitte 1. The Southern Cross and the North Star would have to be visible at the same time on aflat earth, which is not the case. There is a short video about this: Flat Earth refuted in103 seconds . The North Star must be aimed at about 90° above your head at theNorth Pole, while from the equator it is visible at 0° just above the horizon. Thisphenomenon would be completely impossible on a flat earth.…