Are Humans Frugivores & Designed To Eat Mostly Fruit?

This is my most popular article by far, and I wanted you to know that I’ve updated it over time. I’m not a fruitarian(frugivore) anymore, well, I never was exclusively; I’ve always ate other foods. But I’ve sung the praises of the fruitarian lifestyle for quite a long time. I am no longer on a 51% fruit diet like in the past, but still enjoy fruit weekly. Disclaimer: Before I continue, I’d like to let everyone know that I have been paid off by the meat industry; they pay me 432 million a year to spread my opinion where I reach just over 600 followers. I just wanted to be clear, because a few people have contacted me about that asking how I could have changed my tune so drastically. Yes I am a paid shill for the dairy and meat industry. Are humans designed…