The Seven Liberal Arts

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The seven liberal arts are the disciplines of study that the Pythagoreans taught in their mystery schools.  They’re the subjects or skills, that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to cultivate to gain a solid foundation of their physical reality. (Latin: liberalis, “worthy of a free person”) The Trivium is made up of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.  But not exactly in the sense of the words.  Grammar is information we gather, the “Who, What, When, and Where”.  Logic is the processing of that data and attempt to make sense of it.  It’s our reason and understanding.  Logic answers”Why”.  Rhetoric is the applying of knowledge to gain wisdom.  Rhetoric answers the “How”. The 7 Liberal Arts The Trivium:  (tri for three) Grammar (Who, What, When, Where) Logic (Why) Rhetoric (How) The Quadrivium (quad for four) Number Geometry (Number in Space) Music (Number in Time) Astronomy…

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The Anthropic Principle Fallacy

earth moon

Life exists because the conditions of our planet are perfect. The Moon is just the right distance from Earth. The gravitational constant and electric charge on the atom are just right.  Everything is somehow just perfect.. The Anthropic Principle is the idea that it is pointless to question why, because life can only exist with these perfect conditions. This is a dismissive and circular logical fallacy. It’s a flaw in reasoning.  Life is much more than a bunch of coincidences. We are more than the mere product of time and chance. We dismiss the beauty and intelligence of mother nature as a serendipitous ‘big bang’ that arose from nothing for no particular reason.  Consent in manufactured through the acquiescence of the minds that are weak. A nihilistic ontology by way of ‘big bangs’, the media, and propagandized sheep. “The facts of science are real enough, and so…

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