Covert Communism in Marxist ‘Merika: Red October, White & Blue: 100 Years In The Making

Today (November 7th, October 25th of the old Julian calendar) marks 100 years since the Russian Bolshevik Revolution began.  Otherwise known as Red October, this aptly named movement is responsible for the bloodshed of around 100 million lives.  Communism, Marxism, Bolshevism, whatever you want to call it, this false ideology is to blame for the pain, suffering, and death of so many innocent people. Never in the history of the world has there ever been a more deadly movement.  Yet Marxism is taught in schools today as if the professors have no recollection of history. The ultimate evil that is communism sails under the guise of altruism.  As Solzhenitsyn put it, “In order to do evil, [one] must first believe that what they are doing is good.” It’s been a hundred years since Red October, named after the communist Red Army that fought the White…

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The Endocannabinoid System, CBD Hemp Oil, & The End Of Suffering

The Endocannabinoid System hemp cbd oil colorado

In the last few decades there’s been an unbelievable amount of research into the understanding of something called endocannabinoids.  With that said, right now my spell-checker is currently blinking at me when I right out the word. This just goes to show that although medical science can make leaps and bounds in the light of contemporary research containing cannabis, the stigma still remains. The very word conjures up propaganda films made in the 30’s like ‘Reefer Madness’.  It’s as Max Planck put it, “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. Science advances one funeral at a time.” Scientists coined the name endocannabinoid from its namesake, cannabis, or ‘cannabis sativa’, more popularly known as marijuana.  Endo simply means…

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Pedagogic Logic: Conundrums, Puzzles, & Riddles

The answer is 35 because banana(15) + onecherry(5) x apple(4) = 35, Remember PEMDOS

I’ve always enjoyed brain teasers, puzzles and paradoxes. What at first may seem pretty straight forward, can trick us into believing the illogical and outright insane.  There are many reasons for this.   Here is a series of puzzles, where the answer may not always be as obvious as it seems. Using your logic, be your own pedagog. Click on each picture to reveal the answer, but only do so when you’re ready! Take your time. Some of these are very difficult! Video on this puzzle above   Video on this puzzle above.  This is a difficult one. This next one is even more difficult. People will come up with all kinds of different answers, most of which are wrong. This video includes the puzzle above   How many circles do you see in this next picture?   How many times does the letter…

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Race Is A Biological Reality: Your Opinion Is A Social Construct

The main reason people are afraid to admit there are differences among the races -or even admit that race is a biological reality and not a social construct- is because it conjures up sentiments of ‘superiority’ and reminds people of Hitler’s Germany. They think, “Well, if there are racial differences, then that means that some races are better than others, and I don’t want to go there.”  It’s better to just ignore any differences and acquiesce to the pressure of their peers and claim we are all exactly the same; we are all one. Scientists and professors are human. We all make mistakes. Rather than admit the truth about race, they prefer to ignore the vast amount of evidence on racial differences, mostly so they don’t have to live in fear of potentially being called a ‘racist’. The following are peer reviewed studies that…

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The Confederate Conundrum: What Really Caused The Civil War?

Our country is being divided.  Confederate monuments are being taken down left and right, while the right and left fight each other over what, in their mind, is morally correct. On one side we have people who see the Confederacy as a symbol of hatred and racism; and on the other we have people who claim that the eradication of these flags and monuments is an attempt to erase history. But who’s right? After all, if we remove these monuments we aren’t really erasing history since we can surely still read about this stuff in history books. These monuments that are increasingly being displaced are seen by many as bigoted and disgusting, a symbol of slavery and oppression. But is this an accurate summation of these effigies that so many Southerners adamantly and unabashedly stand for? Is it really as simple as saying that…

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The Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming Soon To America

A total solar eclipse occurs when the New Moon (the absence of the moon) comes between the Sun and Earth and casts the darkest part of its shadow, the umbra, on Earth. A full solar eclipse, known as totality, is almost as dark as night.  On August 21st 2017, the United States will witness this amazing phenomenon.  For about two and a half minutes day will fall to night, Nature will hold its breath, and the continental United States will witness a feat not seen for over 38 years. It’s going to be something; don’t miss it!

The total phase of this total solar eclipse will be visible from a narrow path spanning all across the USA from the West Coast to the East Coast , weather permitting. Continue reading

Inspirational memes

“Out of the corruption of women proceeds the confusion of castes; out of the confusion of castes proceeds the loss of memory, out of the loss of memory proceeds the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.”. -Bhagavad-Gita, 1:41-42; based on Eugène Burnouf’s nineteenth century French translation—Ed.

“The more thou searchest, the more thou shalt marvel.”
– Esdras

“We can do nothing against the truth” -St Paul

“Great is truth, and mighty above all things.” -Edras

“ ‘Tis strange – but true; for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction.” – Byron

‘Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.’ -Hugh Nibley

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. -Arthur Conan Doyle

He that hath an ear, let him hear.  Revelation 3:22


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The USS Liberty: A 50 Year Old Cover Up

Exactly 50 years ago today, on June 8, 1967, an American naval vessel, the USS Liberty was sailing in the Mediterranean, when Israel’s military purposely attacked it.  They killed and injured over 200 Americans.  The attack, as the survivors describe, was like a hellish nightmare, something out of a Hollywood movie; It didn’t feel real. It was unbelievable. The American flag aboard at the time was in plain sight when this dastardly attack by three unmarked Israeli planes occurred. Three torpedo boats joined the savagery starting with rockets and then napalm our troops used in Vietnam that caused many to protest because of its effect on burning skin. As if this was not brutal enough, American soldiers aboard the Liberty were pelted with machine-guns while they attempted to put out the fires these attackers started and three torpedo attacks finished the assault for good…

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