Terrain Memes by Bob Stagnitto

This is a collection of infographics by my friend Bob Stagnitto, dealing with the many falsehoods of Pasteur’s germ theory. Once we peel back a layer or three of the medical-educational-industrial-complex, it’s clear to see that their model of medicine is based upon sickness via the all pervading germ; whereas Antione Bechampe, Florence Nightingale, Claude Bernard, et.al. base it upon health via a natural environment, a healthy terrain. Enjoy some terrain memes! –

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The History of Infectious Disease by Stefan Lanka

Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of infection theory (English transcript) see also: Covid-19 is the new Mediaeval Leprosy: a Historical Comparison of Isolation, Religious Fervor and Medical Tyranny” The title of Lanka’s original video is “Grippepandemie und Tamiflu” copy here. Dokuments: klein-klein-media.deTranslation from German and original subtitled video credit: Sacha Dobler, AbruptEarthChanges.comMy name is Stefan Lanka, I am a biologist and virologist. I discovered the first virus, which was in the ocean. That’s how I became involved in this matter. First, I recognized that this virus doesn’t cause any harm. Secondly, the Austrian professor Fritz Pol alerted me to the fact, that something was wrong with the entire AIDS affair and the virus might not even exist at all. I checked this and realized, that was indeed the case. I thought this couldn’t be and I remained silent for half a year, for I assumed,…

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Is Germ Theory True? – A Starter Kit To Debunk Coronavirus

Michelle: The following document is essentially my personal collection of resources and research notes on these topics. I started keeping this list in March 2020. Over time, it has morphed into a sort of “starter kit” for those that want to begin exploring germ theory and related topics. Specific Notes: • The list isn’t (yet) organized by topic or doctor, author or researcher. • The list is not comprehensive or complete by any means. This is a living document and is always under development. I am always working on “culling” the list to make it more focused, on topic, and readable. I have a lot of links I still need to add. I will send out an updated version to everyone who has requested this when I feel this is more “complete”. • The list is in no particular order. • To see the…

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The Virus Misconception

We are living in an age where dis-information is promoted and true-information is buried and burned. This topic of viruses, causation of disease, and overall health in general is highly contentious.  It takes time to understand the concepts described in this cache of information below.  I would like to thank the many courageous doctors and researchers out there that’ve helped bring this information to light.

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CoronaGate Resources

If you want to discover the truth of a matter you have to be honest with yourself and do your best to separate fact from fiction, removing any confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, logical fallacies and emotion from the equation, relying on your own senses after looking at all the evidence, not just that which is parroted in the mainstream media.  I hope some of these sources help you separate fantasy from reality. “The only means to fight the plague is honesty.”  – Albert Camus “If you want to overcome the whole world, overcome yourself.”  – Fyodor Dostoyevsky “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”   – Augustine of Hippo   Ambiguous Testing Methods “Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test? COVID-19 should be reported on the death…

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The HoloCough of 2020: Global Panda-monium From Kung Flu

We are currently being inundated with a torrent of propaganda specifically designed to drive fear in the hearts and minds of the global population. But are the precautions we’re taking warranted, or is it all smoke and mirrors? We’re living in a state of panda-monium; the Kung Flu is the Holocough of 2020, but we will soon find out -after all the hype and hysteria- it’s more about a means of control and economic dissolution than the spread of disease. Read through some of these studies and statistics to get a better grasp of the fear-porn being spoon-fed to you. Over 80,000 Americans Died of the Regular Flu in the Winter Season of 2017-2018 “Influenza was deadlier last season than it has been for at least four decades, killing 80,000 Americans. So said the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Tobacco: The Other Side of the Story

We all know for a fact that cigarettes cause cancer. It’s not even a debate. And everyone knows that nicotine is bad for you and tobacco causes lung cancer, right? Well, we’ve been smoking tobacco for thousands of years.  Yet only recently have we added all these additives and chemicals, which begs the question… Does tobacco cause cancer? Or is it the chemicals that cause cancer, and not the tobacco itself? This is the other side of the story Does Tobacco Cause Lung Cancer? Dr. Victor Buhler, Pathologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Kansas City: “I have examined thousands of lungs both grossly and microscopically. I cannot tell you from examining a lung whether or not its former host had smoked.” (link) Nearly 80% of people diagnosed with lung cancer now, in 2012, are non-smokers

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12 Rules for Food

Here are a few quick dietary recommendations, twelve rules to eat by. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it, unless it sounds really good. If you can’t put it IN your body, don’t put it ON your body! (lotions, sunscreen,deodorant, etc) If your food comes from an animal, it’s probably okay. If it’s made in a plant, try to avoid it. If it IS a plant it’s probably okay but be very careful about eating the wrong raw ones. We’ve been misled. Take what the so-called experts say and reverse it. If your great grandmother didn’t eat it, don’t even think about it. Whenever you see the label “Fat Free” or “Low Fat” think Chemical Shit-storm. Count chemicals, not calories. When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the…

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