The Cholesterol Myth

For the past 70 some odd years, the health and medical professionals have been proselytizing the idea that saturated fats clog our arteries and cause cardiovascular heart disease. There’s a lot of pseudo-science and dogma that upholds this mistaken beLief.  So, let’s get the skinny on the real science behind fat.

The science used to ostensibly prove this so called “Lipid hypothesis” is extremely problematic.  They often would just cherry pick countries of study that suited their hypothesis.  Other questionable techniques they used to reverse engineer their hypothesis include feeding rabbits saturated fats.  The poor bunnies did drop dead, but the flaw here is that rabbits are herbivores, and therefore are not designed to eat fat. Of course they are going to get sick and die! Continue reading

Are Humans Frugivores & Designed To Eat Mostly Fruit?

This is my most popular article by far, and I wanted you to know that I’ve updated it over time. I’m not a fruitarian(frugivore) anymore, well, I never was exclusively; I’ve always ate other foods.  But I’ve sung the praises of the fruitarian lifestyle for quite a long time. I am no longer on a 51% fruit diet like in the past, but still enjoy fruit weekly. Disclaimer: Before I continue, I’d like to let everyone know that I have been paid off by the meat industry; they pay me 432 million a year to spread my opinion where I reach just over 600 followers.  I just wanted to be clear, because a few people have contacted me about that asking how I could have changed my tune so drastically.  Yes I am a paid shill for the dairy and meat industry. Are humans designed…

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Vaccines: Did They Really Save Us From Dis-ease?

vaccines didn't save us

Most people believe that vaccines saved us from deadly diseases. We actually don’t have any scientific evidence to prove this, but nevertheless we still believe this is the case.  It would be unethical to conduct a double-blind, placebo controlled study to prove the efficacy of vaccines since we already ostensibly know they work and wouldn’t want to put innocent children (the control group) at risk of disease. Jump right to the evidence There is no scientific evidence to show that vaccines are safe and effective, but we do know that after the introduction of vaccines, the death rates attributed to these diseases plummeted.  But there is an inherent problem with this logic. Since correlation does not imply or promise causation, the disappearance of these diseases could be attributed to better hygiene, improved sanitation, as well as a number of other technological advances, all of which came to the…

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The Fallacious Germ Theory


The Germ Theory is the belief that germs are the primal cause of disease.  Nutrition and exercise play a small role, but it’s really the all-pervading germ that makes you sick.  That’s why we “catch cold”, thereby expelling the responsibility outside ourselves. With this mistaken ideology we lose our innate power to heal ourselves, what Hippocrates called vis medicatrix naturae. Since it was something outside of your body that made you sick, in order to get well you must also seek help from an outside force, namely vaccines and doctors in general. Luckily we don’t live in a bizarro reality like that.  We don’t “catch disease”, we create it.  It is not a sick person’s fault for being sick, since they never learned how the human body actually operates, but ultimately the responsibility lies with the individual. Germs do not cause disease.  The precautions…

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