A political spectrum is a system of classifying different political positions upon one or more geometric axes that symbolize independent political dimensions.
Pentagrams of Pederasty: The Elephant In The Room: Pedogate Part 2

A few months ago something called Pizzagate happened. If you’re not already familiar, watch this short video by news anchor Ben Swann. Ben disappeared from all his social media for a long time. Now he is back(update). This article is going to be Part Two. If you haven’t already, check out Part One, The Ping Pong Pizza Pentagram. The Pizzagate Wiki Last week I found these two pictures on 4chan.
Fibonacci Fun
The Eye of wRAth & Pharisaic Mysteries of Sixty-three Serpents

The Eye of Ra is a legend that goes back millennia. Otherwise known as the Eye of Horus (or Thoth) these myths all describe a similar story that took place in ancient Egypt, or the black land Kemet, named for its rich black fertile soil. The story is one of God’s wrath upon the wicked, and as we’ll see, the number sixty-three serves as an omen for what’s to come. But don’t worry, the good guys win in the end, just as is prophesied. Horus was an ancient sky god whose eyes were said to be the sun and the moon. … An ancient myth describes a battle between Horus and Set in which Horus’ right eye was torn out and Set lost his testicles! Thoth magically restored Horus´ eye, at which point it was given the name “Wadjet” (“whole” or “healthy”). …According to one myth, Ra was becoming…
Decoding the Dollar: The Calendar of the Feathered Serpent

The US dollar bill encodes layers upon layers of ancient knowledge and esoteric symbolism. From Quetzalcoatl of Teotihuacan, to the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran, to the stepped pyramid of Chichen Itza, we’ll see that the U.S. Dollar and the Great Seal are much more than mere fiat currency and symbols of the Thirteen Colonies. Moreover, we’ll see how the dollar bill is an ancient calendar that describes a 364 day year that’s found in the book of Enoch. But the buck doesn’t stop there. Cosmological bodies and other seemingly coincidental synchronicities arise in the Great Seal. Are all these things really coincidental? NASA tells us the Moon is 2160 miles across its diameter, which according to their fact sheet is over 99.995% accurate. The star of Moloch or Merkaba hides a cube in plain sight. Just imagine the 2-d merkaba as a 3-d cube with the central star closest to…
The Ping Pong Pizza Pentagram: Pedogate Part 1

Comet Ping Pong sits at the bottom of an inverted pentagram, just as the White House sits at the bottom of its inverted pentagram. The two are connected, literally, by Connecticut Avenue. (video) At first it may seem as if I’m putting things where they are not, and exaggerating the concept I’m attempting to present. I invite you to google-map this yourself. The red lines are clearly roads. The image of Baphomet, which is a representation of evil, I’ve added to illustrate the geometry the planners of Washington D.C. encoded into the topology some 200 years ago. None of this is an accident. There are far too many coincidences for this to be all just coincidence.
How To Heal Yourself: Be Your Own Guru

More and more people are waking up to the fact that something is amiss. How can everybody always be sick? What’s up with this sh!t? Well, it’s because we do everything backwards. We eat the wrong foods and think the wrong thoughts. We poison our minds and bodies with teLIEvision, mindless memes, oxford commas, and S.A.D. diets. We rely on outside forces in our pursuit for health without internalizing our own self perpetuating problems. We don’t take responsibility. We make excuses and justifications. We just do what everybody else does. And in a world that regularly subsidizes disease, our ultimate demise is our acquiescence to the norm. Cancer rates are as high as they’ve ever been. Diabetes, heart disease, epilepsy, you name it; they’ve all risen in recent decades. There are many things to blame. The biggest culprit might be our diet, which has drastically strayed from what is natural and…
Trumping hilLIARy & r/K Theory

The day is fast approaching, but who are you going to choose? Aren’t they all the same? Isn’t politics a false dichotomy? Since when was picking the lesser of two evils NOT evil? Besides, my vote doesn’t count anyway, the system is rigged, the electoral collage, the polls, yada yada yada, blah, blah, blah. While it may be true that the left and right are two wings of the same bird, the Donald has changed all that. Running as a republican, he’s pissed off those on the right AND the left. He’s exposed the cuckservatives for what they truly are -puppets of their lobbyists and sponsors- playthings in the hands of the elite. Trump doesn’t have a puppet master, he’s his own self-made man. The liberal media hates him. The democrats hate him. The republicans hate him. The establishment hates him. Alarm bells should be going off. This might be the…