Musical Geometry

Musical Geometry Joe Dubs

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. …Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy.  ― Plato Music is the universal language of mankind.  ―Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Did you know you’re a mathe-magical musician with an inherent understanding of music theory?  All living organisms are. It’s no coincidence.  Just sing a note, any note. Laaaaaa Now, hum another note that’s higher than the last, but make it sound harmonic, the best you can. You just sung the opening two notes to Star Wars™, and learned the perfect fifth in the process.  Two notes with a frequency ratio of 2:3 are perfect fifths. Dunnn (2) DUNNNNN (3) …… Dun Dun dah Duhhn duhn…. The perfect octave can be found in the song “Some Where” (over the rainbow) Some…

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Thomas Sowell Quotes

I stumbled upon this man named Thomas Sowell.  He’s got some great quotes.  I started reading them and couldn’t stop.  I stole the ones I really liked. Dr. Sowell doesn’t prefer labels, but he is a black conservative.  The fact that he’s black enables him to speak frankly and honestly on controversial subjects others would be called ‘racist‘ for even bringing up.  His brutal honesty and palpability, intertwined with his witticism, place him in a category apart from the mundane leftist-indoctrinated intellectuals at the helm of mainstream academia. He also absolutely destroys liberals in debates, which fills the hole in my heart created by those self-aggrandizing demagogues of the left.  

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Cosmic Creations – Gallery Three

Sacred Geometry allows us to see the inner truths we’ve known all along.  We just sometimes need a boost in consciousness to elevate us to the point of self awareness. “Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Music Has the Right to Children – Boards of Canada – Roygbiv – (2:31) These 100 creations were made in 2016

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Cosmic Creations – Gallery Two

Unbeknownst to most, and canonized as sacred by the select few, this knowledge is being rediscovered once again. Cosmic Creations coalesce consciousness through the exploration of the quadrivium. “Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy “  -Plato Empire Ants Ft. Little Dragon – Gorillaz – Plastic Beach – (4:41)   These 100 creations are from 2015

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Cosmic Creations – Gallery One

Cosmic Creations coalesce consciousness through the exploration of the Quadrivium.  The goal is to understand the nature of reality, while purging materialism from the collective unconscious, uniting duality, and returning harmony to the Noosphere. “The harmony of the world is made manifest in form and number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of natural philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty.” – Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson Sit Down Stand Up(Snakes & Ladders) – Radiohead – Hail to the Chief – (4:20) This gallery includes 100 creations from 2014

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The Truth Is a 180° Degree Perversion of what we’re led To BeLIEve

Everything’s opposite.  Your nose runs while your feet smell.  We park in the drive-way and drive on the park-way.  We recite at a play, and play at the recital.  We ship shipments by car and send cargo by ship. What is up is down. Doctors heal kill and democracy enslaves.  Sunscreen causes cancer, not the Sun. Masks make you sick, not the virus. Diet coke makes you fatter than their original flavor.  Nobody works on labor day, and gay people are not happy. Opposite Day – Andrew Bird – The Mysterious Production of Eggs (4:31) We’ve been tricked.  Vaccines cause dis-ease, they don’t protect you.  Mammograms are carcinogenic.  Fate, it seems, is not without its sense of irony.  Chemotherapy and radiation kill, not the cancer.  Hand sanitizers makes us sick, not the germs.  Liberals oppose freedom, and progressives hold us back. Everything we think we know to be…

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Cosmic Creations by Joe Dubs

Phi in Fruit of Life

Cosmic Creations lift the veil on our holographic reality. From sacred geometry to synchronistic mathemagics, the universe is shown to be an intelligent design, far from cosmic coincidence. This omniscient matrix is bound to a sacred order of number and geometry, an ancient and esoteric system of divine proportion. “It is hard to resist the impression that the present structure of the universe, apparently so sensitive to minor alterations in numbers, has been rather carefully thought out…The seemingly miraculous concurrence of these numerical values must remain the most compelling evidence for cosmic design.”  –Paul Davies Cosmic Creations – Gallery One Cosmic Creations – Gallery Two Cosmic Creations – Gallery Three The Cosmic Creation Collection  

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Are Humans Frugivores & Designed To Eat Mostly Fruit?

This is my most popular article by far, and I wanted you to know that I’ve updated it over time. I’m not a fruitarian(frugivore) anymore, well, I never was exclusively; I’ve always ate other foods.  But I’ve sung the praises of the fruitarian lifestyle for quite a long time. I am no longer on a 51% fruit diet like in the past, but still enjoy fruit weekly. Disclaimer: Before I continue, I’d like to let everyone know that I have been paid off by the meat industry; they pay me 432 million a year to spread my opinion where I reach just over 600 followers.  I just wanted to be clear, because a few people have contacted me about that asking how I could have changed my tune so drastically.  Yes I am a paid shill for the dairy and meat industry. Are humans designed…

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