Cancer: No luck involved

Recently an article surfaced in the mainstream media about how cancer is just bad luck.  “Sometimes there just isn’t a good explanation for a cancer diagnosis other than random bad luck”, they claim.  As we will see this couldn’t be further from the truth.  Cancer has everything to do with the way we live our lives.  When we get cancer it’s not because of bad luck, it’s because of bad diet and a poisoned mind. Over the years cancer rates have increased exponentially. There have been theories that this only appears this way due to improved methods of detection. These theories have been thoroughly debunked. I shouldn’t have to convince anyone that more and more people are getting cancer, all you have to do is look around.  Here’s an article that suggests that cancer cases are expected to soar by 70% over the next 20…

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Vaccines: Did They Really Save Us From Dis-ease?

vaccines didn't save us

Most people believe that vaccines saved us from deadly diseases. We actually don’t have any scientific evidence to prove this, but nevertheless we still believe this is the case.  It would be unethical to conduct a double-blind, placebo controlled study to prove the efficacy of vaccines since we already ostensibly know they work and wouldn’t want to put innocent children (the control group) at risk of disease. Jump right to the evidence There is no scientific evidence to show that vaccines are safe and effective, but we do know that after the introduction of vaccines, the death rates attributed to these diseases plummeted.  But there is an inherent problem with this logic. Since correlation does not imply or promise causation, the disappearance of these diseases could be attributed to better hygiene, improved sanitation, as well as a number of other technological advances, all of which came to the…

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Water: It’s a Mystery

Geometry of the Water Droplet

Water is the most common substance known to man and also the most mysterious.  The list of anomalies associated with it runs as long as the ocean is deep.  Modern science has ignored this seemingly simple molecule, dismissing any qualities beyond the materialistic as pseudoscience and new age baloney.  Water is central to life and more than its mere chemical makeup.  Today nobody really understands it.  Water is the ultimate mystery. Any substance can exist in three different physical forms; solid, liquid and gas. Water is the only substance on earth that naturally occurs in all three states. As a gas it is one of lightest known, as a liquid it is much denser than expected and as a solid it is much lighter than expected. Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen. Yet, while frozen, weighs around 9% less than water which is why…

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Reciprocal Gnosis

49 Octave of Light

Therein lies esoteric gnosis of the inner-workings of reality through analyzing the first principle of the Quadrivium, Number.  The reciprocals of the natural numbers reveal patterns that are visible only when we put on our goggles of decimal expansion and peer deep into the realms of numeric possibilities. The reciprocal of a number is simply one divided by that number. The reciprocal of 5 is .2 because 1/5 = .2  Conversely, the reciprocal of 2 is 5, because 1/5 = .2 This resembles patterns that arise is what is known as vortex based math.  The reciprocals of certain numbers reveal patterns that are easily recognizable at first, but then disintegrate into the apparent randomness. But it’s not random. There exists intelligence in the way nature operates.  With this reciprocal gnosis we can analyze the quality of Number itself and reveal order from ostensible chaos. The reciprocal of 49 (1/49) reveals binary numbers,…

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Cosmic Proportions

Earth Moon and Phi

The physical sizes of Earth and Moon are encoded into the proportions and measurements we commonly use in our daily lives.  From Renaissance artists to 21st century school teachers, we all use these cosmic proportions.  Very few are cognizant of their underlying meaning. If our Moon sat directly tangent to Earth, these are the proportions that arise.  The circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square to 99.97% accuracy according to NASA’s own data. The Great Pyramid’s dimensions can be broken down to 7 high, and 11 across.  The perimeter of the base equals the circumference of a circle whose radius is equal to the height of the pyramid. The Moon and Earth can be summed up amazingly well using the numbers 3 and 11.  Maybe that punk rock band understood these sacred geometrical concepts and hid it in their name.

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Fibonacci: The Fractions of Life

Fibonacci and 89

The Fibonacci Sequence is Nature’s favorite series of numbers.  They are found wherever there is life.  Closely associated with phi, this sequence actually generates this golden ratio when any number is divided by the number before it. Phi = 1.618033988.. The Fibonacci Sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, … Phi and phee are generated from the Fibonacci sequence in this way.  This might be an indication that fractions are important, especially in relation to the Fibonacci numbers, since they create the golden ratio or the divine proportion. The 11th number in the sequence is 89.  Zero is not a number but a placeholder for numeric expansion and contraction.  Interestingly 89 is 11 less than one hundred, but even more interesting is its reciprocal, which is 1/89.…

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Flower Power

FLower orange geometry joe dubs

The power in the flowers is generated by geometry, the second discipline in the study of the Quadrivium (Number, Geometry, Music, Cosmology). Before that is Number.  Can you define a triangle without the certain ‘threeness’ that is embedded in its creation?  This trinity develops the first shape in our reality.  Maybe this is why the Pythagoreans thought that numbers began at three instead of unity. Four is the first number that models three dimensions.  Think of a tetrahedron with its four points and four sides. Nature always uses the simplest and most efficient numbers and geometries when organizing itself.  Geometry exists everywhere.  Some of the most beautiful displays of nature’s intelligent design are encoded in the makeup of a flower. “In ancient Greece the advanced students of the philosopher Pythagoras who were engaged in deep studies of natural science and self-understanding were called “mathematekoi” “those who studied all.” ‘ The…

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NINE : The Ultimate Mystery

Enneagram G.I. Gurdjieff

Revolution 9 by The Beatles Nine holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base-10 reality.  Nine is the largest number in the decimal system.  Nine is really the largest number of all, as every other number thereafter is a reflection of the Ennead, expressing itself in scalar expansions and contractions of 10. 10 is not a number, but more of a concept, or you could say it’s Nature’s way of organizing herself.   The Pythagoreans considered there to be only 7 numbers in reality.  Unity and duality, 1 and 2, were not considered numbers.  Numbers began at three and ended at the most auspicious of all, NINE. Go to Nine is Space and Time Ancient mathematical philosophers called NINE the “finishing post” and “that which brings completion”. – Michael Schneider – ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe’ Ten is the combination of something…

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