Spherical Refraction – The Magnetic Relationship Between Light and the Universal Shape

:by: Clay Taylor A principle question that arises in the study of geometry and the study of light concerns the behavior of light upon the sphere. The sphere itself is nothing less than the universal and perfect shape. It is in a way the first and last possibility of the great miracle of dimension- the one great marriage of singularity and infinity, the unification of polarity and the prime cause of the 3 base dimensions of triangulated space. It is at once a single point, a single surface and yet a container of infinite points. It is infinitely divisible, has complete curvature that expresses every angle and both convexity and concavity is built into it. Clearly, to describe its characteristics is to employ words that seem paradoxical and contradictory… It is by means of the sphere that man and his science may come to truly understand…