The Divine Proportion: Golden (Phi)nomena of Nature

There is one proportion that is divine. A ratio of two numbers, the simplest of which being one. Paired with unity, there is only one number that is capable of fractal expansion and contraction. By using the four operations of mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, this golden number (1.6180339..) is the key to understanding fractality, holograms, life, and the nature of reality. This is the number (or ratio) the universe uses to become more aware of itself. The divine proportion is the only mathematical ratio that the Universe needs to intelligently design all life. Phi, aka the Golden Ratio, is a truly divine number. It’s quite a phinomenon. Along with unity this number creates the perfect proportion. Let’s demystiphi some of the more esoteric geometric concepts attributed to this golden proportion. Phi is found everywhere and yet nobody talks about it. It’s missing from the calculator. Its…